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Correction /campagne US (1)

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Correction /campagne US
Message de jambonduc posté le 04-04-2009 à 22:39:53 (S | E | F)


Je dois rendre un devoir dans le cadre de mon master de droit, celui ci devant porter sur un sujet d'actualité. J'ai traité de la campagne d'Obama. Il ne s'agit en rien d'un réquisitoire ou d'une quelconque revendication mais bien d'une simple occasion d'exercer mon anglais. Pourriez vous corriger toutes les fautes (grammaire orthographe ou autres) qui s'y rapportent?
Merci à vous,
jean baptiste

“Barack Obama will protect the openness of the Internet” can we read on the official website of the President of the United States. This statement does not appear very amazing in regard to the presidential campaign of the Afro-American candidate.
The last course of the presidential election was particularly exceptional. The American elections took a new face. From now on, we can sustain that technological progress influence the evolution of democracy. More exactly, thanks to the important development of Internet, real debate seems competed by virtual debate. While an important part of American often goes to the web in order to access more easily to information, electors made more than be spectator, they were actors. It is exactly what Barack Obama understood very soon, more exactly as the beginning of its campaign even though he was unknown and not very fortunate. This way radically changed the race for the white house and contributed to the win of the black candidate.
Such campaign took place in a particular context where the president George bush was criticized by a great part of Americans. Moreover, the whole world has followed the evolution of the campaign almost every day. The idea that a black could achieve the presidency from the United States was lived as a historical instant, all the more for the Afro-Americans. Furthermore, the first signs of the economic crisis appearing, Americans but also the whole world hoped a lot of the new president of the most powerful country in the world. That's why the impact of Internet in this presidential campaign was all the more important to take into consideration.
This change of democracy is not without asking questions. Do we see Internet as an extraordinary tool of democracy? On the contrary, do we see the world wide web as a political threat, a space of demagogy, a form of government only reserved for the most skilled people on the web with the exception of those who do not have access to the web but also those who use it rarely or badly?
In support of this study, three articles extracts of press speak about the link between Internet and the campaign of Barack Obama. The first article is an extract of a British newspaper, the British Broadcasting Corporation News (BBC), written by Steve Schifferes the 12 June 2008. Colin Delany wrote the second article the 5 November 2008 in e.politics, an American newspaper. Finally, Gordon Rayner, the Chief Reporter of the Daily Telegraph, a British newspaper, wrote the third article one day after.

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-04-2009 23:08
Ceci n'est pas un débat mais un texte à corriger, rien de plus, merci




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