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From my birth/correction (1)

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From my birth/correction
Message de loupevivante posté le 08-04-2009 à 01:28:16 (S | E | F)

Could you correct my mistakes in this text, please? Thank you for your help...

From my birth, from my first breath, from my first tears, from my first smile,… they occurred so many times again. For the time being, everything in my environment- my teachers, my books, my friends –seem so different although these realities are, in fact, usual to me. In no time, I will pass through the door to discover my future. However, for these last few days, I’m a Senior.
Before I became one too, be a Senior represented to me a stage in our respective lives development. In my opinion, that ten months school sequence should be lived from every human being because, every day, you feel in your heart that feeling of success: you carried out your Elementary School and you are about to achieve the High School too. Although that last secondary year was not a breeze, that I should work harder than ever, I appreciate every single moment thinking that soon, my last hours in that establishment will happen and it will represent from there my pass. This year was, and will still is, full of adventures and experiences, of joy and sadness, of optimism and melancholy. On top of the end of the year famous ball, there are driving license for some and love for the other.
To sum up, I open my eyes, during those few days which make up that particular year, on that dynamic which leads Paul-Hubert High School and gives me happiness as the days go by. I assert, little by little, my personality and I prepare my mind to that next stage: “CÉGEP”.
Modifié par bridg le 08-04-2009 07:30

Réponse: From my birth/correction de robertbrou, postée le 08-04-2009 à 19:03:34 (S | E)

Here are my suggestions.

From my birth, to my first breath, to my first tears, to my first smile… These things occurred so many times over and over again [in my lifetime].

For the time being Now or Currently, everything in my environment- my teachers, my books, my friends –seem so different although these realities are, in fact, usual familiar to me. In no time, I will pass through the door cross the threshold (franchir le seuil) to discover my future. However, for these last few days, I’m a Senior.
Before I became one too, being a Senior represented to me a stage in our respective lives life's development. In my opinion, that those final ten months in school sequence should be lived from by every human being because, every day, you feel in your heart that feeling of success. You carried out your completed Elementary School and you are about to achieve the finish High School too. Although that last secondary year of secondary school was not a breeze, that I should work harder than ever, I appreciate every single moment thinking that soon, during my last hours in that establishment will happen and it will represent my past from now on. This year was, and will still is be, full of adventures and experiences, of joy and sadness, of optimism and melancholy. On top of surtout? the end of the year famous ball (synonym of 'famous') prom, there are driving license for some and love for the others.
To sum up, I open my eyes, during those few days which make up that particular year, on that dynamic which leads Paul-Hubert High School and gives me happiness as the days go by. I assert, little by little, my personality and I prepare my mind to that next stage: “CÉGEP”.

Hope this helps!


Réponse: From my birth/correction de loupevivante, postée le 09-04-2009 à 22:59:02 (S | E)
Thank you for your help...I appreciate it so much!!!




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