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Correction My Life (1)

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Correction My Life
Message de loupevivante posté le 10-04-2009 à 18:33:01 (S | E | F)

Could you correct my mistakes in this text, please? I need it soon... Tahnk you for your help...

Every life, no matter who the owner is, is built up by several experiences, good and bad ones. No one is like the other: it is the beauty of your world and the only equality which exist on this planet. Every human gets only one chance and should sponge this one off to be fulfilled at the end. Life doesn’t walk, it runs, and we should be very fit to follow it at that rate.
When I think to that, I realize that I have already live the quarter of my existence. Days go by without I pay attention to them: in my mind, I get the future in front of me and I seem immortal. However, I know that my life doesn’t look like the anymore and that my future will become soon my reality.
For the time being, I would not modify any episode of my past years because they created my present, which I appreciate thanks to his simplicity and its shined character. Every moment I lived before, no matter if they represent joy or sadness in my heart, should keep his actual place in my mind. Through those adventures, I discovered my personality and I developed my talents. The different difficulties which were open to take place in my existence, allowed me to grow up on the moral aspect of my character. In brief, every single period of my life created who I’m today…

Modifié par bridg le 10-04-2009 19:14
Titre /rien n'est urgent sur ce site

Réponse: Correction My Life de mawoubelle, postée le 10-04-2009 à 20:35:38 (S | E)
"Loupevivante", j'ai l'impression que tu as simplement réécris en anglais ce que tu avais d'abord en français...jme trompe? Ca sent fort le calque!
Toutes les maladresses et non-sens qui en découlent sont vraiment nombreux pour qu'on puisse te les corriger -il faudrait tout reformuler...:-( Mais je me propose de corriger ta grammaire:
-ordre phrase: "no matter who IS the owner"
-"which existS"
-when I think OF it, I realize that....
-I have already livED (present perfect avec already!)
-'doesn't look like the anymore' is meaningless!
-thanks to ITS simplicity (nom référent: inanimé: present)
-probème de tps dans la phrase every moment I lived(pret)[...]represent(present) +pbm d'organisation car 'should keep' n'a pas de sujet! + his place in mly heart?? qui est his/he??
-which were open to take place?????? meaningless

Un conseil arrête d'écrire du français en anglais!

Réponse: Correction My Life de loupevivante, postée le 10-04-2009 à 20:49:37 (S | E)
Thank you for your help...




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