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Evolution / correction (1)

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Evolution / correction
Message de snooby posté le 26-04-2009 à 11:54:43 (S | E | F)

Accepteriez-vous de m'aider à corriger ce texte s'il vous plaît?

The countries of Third world are continual evolution. Today, more than 76 % the world population is in these countries. Generally poor or overpopulated, these countries are obliged to over-exploit naturals resources. By example, in 50 years, Africa lost more than 650 000 Km² (area of France = 675 417 Km²) of productive Earth and every year, a deforestation increase from 11 to 24 million hectares.

Houses, communications, industrialisation, development of transport, built surfaces increase and come to cover the ground.

About 40% species animals and plant known in the wet rain forests what's the richest reserves. She covers approximately 6 % of the surface of Earth, but decrease constantly because of the clearing. The reasons are mainly a growth demographic and exploitation of wood for the fabrication of looses.

Activities human cause a discharge a lot of polluting in atmosphere. In country, this pollution of air is equal to approximately 20 billion of tons of carbon dioxide.
Ten cities the most polluted by France are:
Marseille, Dijon, Grenoble, Montpellier, Lyon, Paris, La Rochelle, Nantes, Amiens, Rouen.

About 40% species animals and plant known in the wet rain forests what's the richest reserves. She covers approximately 6 % of the surface of Earth, but decrease constantly because of the clearing. The reasons are mainly a growth demographic and exploitation of wood for the fabrication of looses.

The chemical pollution groups all the mineral and organic waste. It is mainly about fertilisers, about cleaners, about hydrocarbons or about phosphates.
The thermal pollution leads a rise of the temperature of waters by the discharges of nuclear power stations or thermal and cause a drop of the rate of oxygen and an asphyxiation of the flora and the fauna.
The organic pollution is a discharge of sewers or a organic discharge of industries. The decomposition of these materials consumes of oxygen and destroys the fauna and the local flora.
The pollution of agricultural origin is constituted by the nitrogen rejected by fertilisers as the manure or the fertilisers of synthesis.

Modifié par bridg le 26-04-2009 12:07
formules de politesse et titre faux (Fates orthography) changé

Edited by chilla on 26-04-2009 13:36

Réponse: Evolution / correction de laure95, postée le 26-04-2009 à 14:21:54 (S | E)
Bonjour, voici ce que tu dois corriger:
The countries of Third world (allèg en faisant 1 nom composé) are in continual evolution. Today, more than 76 % of the world population is (utilise 1 verbe plus précis) in these countries. Generally poor or overpopulated, these countries are obliged to over-exploit naturals (jamais de "S" à 1 adjectif) resources. By example, in 50 years, Africa lost (present perfect) more than 650 000 Km² (area of France = 675 417 Km²) of productive Earth ? and every year, a deforestation increase from 11 to 24 million hectares.

Houses, communications, industrialisation, the development of transport, built surfaces increase (present progressif) and come to cover the ground.

About 40% species animals and plant known in the wet rain forests what's the richest reserves (où est le verbe principal?). She covers approximately 6 % of the surface of the Earth, but decrease (conjugaison) constantly because of the clearing. The reasons are mainly a growth demographic and exploitation of wood for the fabrication of looses.

Activities human (inverser les 2 mots) cause a discharge a lot of polluting ? in the atmosphere. In the country, this pollution of air is equal to approximately 20 billion of tons of carbon dioxide.
Ten cities the most (mal placé) polluted by France are:
Marseille, Dijon, Grenoble, Montpellier, Lyon, Paris, La Rochelle, Nantes, Amiens, Rouen.

About 40% species animals and plant known in the wet rain forests what's the richest reserves. She covers approximately 6 % of the surface of Earth, but decrease constantly because of the clearing. The reasons are mainly a growth demographic and exploitation of wood for the fabrication of looses.
The chemical pollution groups all the mineral and organic waste. It is mainly about fertilisers, about cleaners, about hydrocarbons or about phosphates.
The thermal pollution leads a rise of the temperature of waters by the discharges of nuclear power stations or thermal and cause a drop of the rate of oxygen and an asphyxiation of the flora and the fauna.
The organic pollution is a discharge of sewers or a organic discharge of industries. The decomposition of these materials consumes of oxygen and destroys the fauna and the local flora.
The pollution of agricultural origin (mal placé) is constituted by the nitrogen rejected by fertilisers as the manure or the fertilisers of synthesis.




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