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Correction expression écrite (1)

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Correction expression écrite
Message de zakibilal posté le 03-05-2009 à 23:00:11 (S | E | F)

Salut ;
mon professeur m'a demandé de préparer un "Writing" qui décrit une histoire amusante vécue pendant l'enfance,, j'ai fait ce travail, mais je connais sais pas si c'est juste ou pas , merci de me le corriger

when I was little, I met a funny story that I will never forget, I imitated the personality of Charlie Chaplin following to a person that I do not know, i started with a series of faces that I think is brilliant, the entire wake applauded what I did, I felt pride for this nice behavior, but unfortunately I could not continue at this pace, the viewer was being angry and
began throwing tomatoes at my face so I hurried to the exit door.
Modifié par bridg le 03-05-2009 23:08
forum principal

Modifié par zakibilal le 03-05-2009 23:13

Réponse: Correction expression écrite de laure95, postée le 04-05-2009 à 11:14:43 (S | E)
Bonjour, voici ce que tu dois corriger:
when I was little, I met a funny story that I will never forget, (mettre 1 point) I imitated the personality of Charlie Chaplin following to a person that I do not know, (mettre 1 point)i started with a series of faces that I think is (preterit) brilliant, the entire wake applauded what I did, (mettre 1 point) I felt pride for this nice behavior, but unfortunately I could not continue at this pace, the viewer was being angry and
began throwing tomatoes at my face so I hurried to the exit door.

Réponse: Correction expression écrite de zakibilal, postée le 04-05-2009 à 14:05:57 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup !!!!

Réponse: Correction expression écrite de twista, postée le 05-05-2009 à 17:47:46 (S | E)
Salut !
JH'aurais quelques corrections à ajouter :
When I was little, I met a funny story that I will never forget, (mettre 1 point) I imitated the personality of Charlie Chaplin following to a person that I do (prétérit) not know, (mettre 1 point)i started with a series of faces that I think is (preterit) brilliant, the entire wake applauded what I did, (mettre 1 point) I felt pride (ceci est un nom, tu dois trouver l'adjectif correspondant, "fier") for this nice behavior, but unfortunately I could not continue at this pace, the viewer was being angry and
began throwing tomatoes at my face (encore un point ?) so I hurried to the exit door.

Bonne continuation !




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