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Oral anglais / correction (1)

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Oral anglais / correction
Message de victorrr posté le 26-05-2009 à 09:39:16 (S | E | F)

Bonjour, j'ai un oral d'anglais à passer vendredi qui remplacera ma note de participation et j'aimerais avoir la meilleure note possible !! Mon texte se compose d'une présentation brève puis une présentation de mes hobbies

Voicii mon texte :

Hello, my name is ****** ****, I'm fifteen. I was born in ***** the twenty seven(th??) of november in nineteen ninety three. I'm not very tall, I'm blue-eyed and I've got short chestnut hair. I'm very (je ne connais pas la traduction de courageux), quiet( je ne suis pas sur de l'orth de quite) and not very hardworker(la terminaison me parait bizarre). I've got two sisters and one brother called *****, ****** and ******. **** is twelve, ***** is four years old and ***** is two years old, he's a baby. I've got two cats and one dog. My parents are divorced since a long time ( je veux dire : depuis un bon moment mais pas sûr à 100%). I live in ***** in a flat (chez) my mother and in a house (chez) my father. I'm (interne : bording student???) since (le debut de l'année)and I've good marks (depuis cette année).

I will speak about my hobbies... In my boarder school, I see a lot of films every night before dreaming (dreaming est juste ??), I play football on monday and volleyball on tuesday. Every week end, I run with my mother and my step father (a coté d'une riviere). I lile going to the cinema with my friend and doing paintball with my best friend. My favorite sport is lonely in winter, I love skiing with my family. Finally, I navigate (naviguate est il la bonne traduction poir naviguer ??? ) with my grand father in (te d'Azur ?? Azure cost ?) with he isn't abroad.

Voilà, n'hésitez pas à dire ce que vous en pensez au niveau du vocabulaire et du niveau de langue...
Modifié par bridg le 26-05-2009 09:46
Merci de ne pas crier en majuscules sur ce site / titre corrigé.

Modifié par kolimang le 26-05-2009 11:37

Réponse: Oral anglais / correction de laure95, postée le 26-05-2009 à 13:27:35 (S | E)
Bonjour, voici ce que tu dois corriger:
Hello, my name is ****** ****, I'm fifteen. I was born in ***** the twenty seventh of november in nineteen ninety three. I'm not very tall, I'm blue-eyed and I've got short chestnut hair. I'm very (je ne connais pas la traduction de courageux), (tu peux trouver la réponse ici en cliquant sur le mot)quiet and not very hardworker (hardworking)I've got two sisters and one brother called *****, ****** and ******. **** is twelve, ***** is four years old and ***** is two years old, he's a baby. I've got two cats and one dog. My parents are (present perfect avec since) divorced since a long time. I live in ***** in a flat (chez) (at) my mother's and in a house (chez) my father. I'm (temps) (interne : bording student???) (a border) since (le debut de l'année)and I've (temps) good marks (depuis cette année).

I will speak about my hobbies... In my boarder school, I see a lot of films every night before dreaming (going to sleep) , I play football on monday and volleyball on tuesday. Every week end, I run with my mother and my step father (a coté d'une riviere). I lile going to the cinema with my friend and doing paintball with my best friend. My favorite sport is lonely in winter, I love skiing with my family. Finally, I navigate (sail) with my grand father in (on) (Côte d'Azur ?? Azure cost ?) (Azur Coast) with he isn't abroad ?.




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