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Correction lettre de motivation (1)

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Correction lettre de motivation
Message de hornster posté le 28-05-2009 à 15:10:46 (S | E | F)


je postule pour un semestre d'étude dans une université à Dublin. Je dois envoyer une lettre de motivation en anglais au service mobilité internationale de mon école. je dois la rendre aujourd'hui je sais que ça ne se fait pas de dire que c'est urgent sur un forum bénévole mais ça serait si une personne bilingue pouvait m'aider rapidement, je lui en serais extrêmement reconnaissant.

La voici :

Dear Ms XXXXX,

It is with great interest that I read your offer for a study semester in Ireland. As you can read from my CV, I am in TC04 and I will be in GI02 in Spring 2010. I am serious, methodical but before everything very enthusiastic to the idea of going to Dublin, one of the most dynamic city in the world.

I think it is useless to repeat that an engineer needs a good command in English and that going abroad is the best way to become bilingual, my colleagues that had this experience never cease to tell it. It is not new to say that we live in a globalized world. Obviously, such an experience brings openness and sharing of point of views that will be a good advantage in my future job. And simply in the field of cultural and life experience, it can only be rewarding. I didn’t come to the XXXX to stay 5 years in Belfort but to grab the opportunity to be in a school that has a real inclination for the international.

In order to prepare a semester or a placement in an English-speaking country, I did not hesitate to choose courses in English to obtain the “English label”. Thanks to this intensive use of the language of Shakespeare, I managed to reach a good level in English that let me think that I am ready to get immersed in an English speaking environment.

I hope you will give me that chance to go to Ireland because my enthusiasm and motivation is almost as high as The Spire of Dublin.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours Sincerely,


Réponse: Correction lettre de motivation de andrewfurlow, postée le 28-05-2009 à 18:11:59 (S | E)
Bonjour, quelques petites corrections:

Dear Ms XXXXX,

It was (car vous l'avez déjà lu) with great interest that I read your offer for a study semester in Ireland. As you can read from my CV, I am in TC04 and I will be in GI02 in Spring 2010. I am serious, methodical but above all (expression idiomatique qui signifie "avant tout") very enthusiastic about the idea of going to Dublin, one of the most dynamic cities in the world.

I think it is useless to repeat that an engineer needs a good command of English and that going abroad is the best way to become bilingual, my colleagues who had this experience never cease to tell it. It is not new to say that we live in a globalized world. Obviously, such an experience brings openness and sharing of points of view that will be a good advantage in my future job. And simply in the field of cultural and life experience, it can only be rewarding. I didn’t come to the XXXX to stay 5 years in Belfort but to grab the opportunity to be in a school that has a real inclination for the international.

In order to prepare a semester or a placement in an English-speaking country, I did not hesitate to choose courses in English to obtain the “English label”. Thanks to this intensive use of the language of Shakespeare, I managed to reach a good level in English that let me think that I am ready to get immersed in an English speaking environment.

I hope you will give me that chance to go to Ireland because my enthusiasm and motivation is almost as high as The Spire of Dublin.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours Sincerely,


J'éspère que ça ne vient pas trop tard, mais comme vous voyez c'est déjà très bien.

Modifié par andrewfurlow le 28-05-2009 18:13

Réponse: Correction lettre de motivation de hornster, postée le 28-05-2009 à 18:56:50 (S | E)
Non, vous ne venez pas trop tard. Un grand merci pour votre aide ;)




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