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Correction/personne rencontrée

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Correction/personne rencontrée
Message de kool posté le 14-06-2009 à 17:00:47 (S | E | F)

slt. Bonjour,
notre professeur nous a demandé d'écrire une rédaction sur " une personne que vous avez rencontrée et que vous ne pouvez oublier" ;
voilà la mienne.
veuillez Pouvez-vous corriger s'il y a des fautes et merci d'avance.

I am delighted to speak to you about the person that I met and that I never is to forget. It is a girl of 15 ans named Lina. We met at the school, last year, when I was 1ac and her, she was 2ac. Even if we crossed(spent) only one year together, we were burst well. She is brown with short frizzy hair, and the eyes are brown. She’s smart, generous, faithful, helpful , honnest and very friendly. She is also funny . even if she changed schools we stayed in touch we send messages by phone or email. last year, whenever I had problems, she supported me and helped me: that's what I call a true friend.
In brief, Lina was and will always stay my friend, and I believe that I would never find such a friend.

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-06-2009 17:21
+ titre

Réponse: Correction/personne rencontrée de linsey34, postée le 14-06-2009 à 18:01:26 (S | E)
Dear Kool,

tu trouveras tes erreurs en rouge:

I am delighted to speak to you about the person that I met and that I never is to forget. It is a girl of 15 ans named Lina. We met at the school, last year, when I was 1ac and her, she was 2ac. Even if we crossed(spent) only one year together, we were burst well. She is brown with short frizzy hair, and the eyes are brown. She’s smart, generous, faithful, helpful , honnest and very friendly. She is also funny . even if she changed schools we stayed in touch we send messages by phone or email. last year, whenever I had problems, she supported me and helped me: that's what I call a true friend.
In brief, Lina was and will always stay my friend, and I believe that I would never find such a friend.

Réponse: Correction/personne rencontrée de bree, postée le 20-06-2009 à 11:20:32 (S | E)
Salut : It is a girl of 15 ans ... a été mis en rouge en partie .. mais je rajouterais It car c'est un être vivant : donc She is a 15-year-old girl

Modifié par bridg le 20-06-2009 11:25




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