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Rédaction/Children and TV

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Rédaction/Children and TV
Message de cassy posté le 10-10-2009 à 13:35:54 (S | E | F)

Bonjours à tous !

J'ai une rédaction en anglais sur les enfants et la tv
Donner son point de vue et développer
J'ai pas mal galèré pour trouver mes mots et comme je suis pas très douée en anglais; j'aimerais qu'on m'aide à corriger mes (nombreuses) fautes

alors :
In most of people like the Tv.
Inspite of i'm against that.To my mind a child is to much to television.

Firstly the children are not interrested in reading.As far as I'm concerned reading is what I like best.
Then, the box influence on the violence a child.
I feel that are soud to make the difference between the fiction and the reality.
That's why , there is a increase of the behavior agressive between them.
Although all this children like Tv , I recommend of not look at it not too much.
Secondly , the Tv also a role on a child for example a pupil that look at the Tv for all free time reglect his homework.
It's on the one hand a negative point.
On the orther , I believe that the Tv play role in child Obessity.
I want to insist on a child spend average 15 hours in front of the Tv.
I think he should host a sports!
Personnally , I look at little the box , unless I like the movie.
To conclude the parent's should limit the time spend in front of the Tv the children.

voila ! j'espère que c'est pas trop long :/

merci d'avance

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-10-2009 13:43

Réponse: Rédaction/Children and TV de dolfin56, postée le 10-10-2009 à 15:55:45 (S | E)

alors :
In most of people like the Tv.
Inspite of i'm against that.To my mind a child is to much to television.

Firstly the children are not interrested in reading.As far as I'm concerned reading is what I like best.
Then, the box influence on the violence a child.
I feel that are soud to make the difference between the fiction and the reality.
That's why , there is a increase of the behavior agressive between them.
Although all this children like Tv , I recommend of not look at it not too much.Secondly , the Tv also il manque le verbe a role on a child for example a pupil that look at the Tv for all free time reglect ? his homework.
It's on the one hand a negative point.
On the orther,ortho I believe that the Tv play 3è pers. role in child Obessity.
I want to insist on manque un mot a child spend temps average 15 hours in front of the Tv.
I think he should host a sports!
Personnally , I look at little the box , unless I like the movie.
To conclude the parent's should limit the time spend in front of the Tv the children. phrase mal construite

à vos corrections...
en rouge, tout ce qui est à revoir.

Réponse: Rédaction/Children and TV de cassy, postée le 10-10-2009 à 17:21:16 (S | E)
Mercii beaucoup


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