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Aide pour une lettre (élève de terminale

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Aide pour une lettre (élève de terminale
Message de arnaudg posté le 10-11-2009 à 23:15:44 (S | E | F)

Bonjours, je suis actuellement en Terminale, et pour les vacances, on m'a demandé de faire un exercice qui n'est pas à rendre, mais je souhaite bien le faire. Car j'ai beaucoup de difficulté en anglais, et je souhaite progresser rapidement.

Donc le sujet comporte un texte, (si vous avez le livre bridges anglais terminale S, L, ES, il est à la page 56-57). Pour information, le texte raconte l'histoire d'une jeune femme qui vient d'un pays sous développé et qui arrive aux USA. Elle est à la fois effrayé et fasciné par ce nouveaux monde.

Le sujet à pour but d'écrire une lettre à sa meilleur amie (Sun-Hee).

A few days after her arrival, Insook writes a letter to Sun-HEE, her best friend in Korea, to tell her about her impressions of the USA.

3, street Sejong le Grand, 19th November 1977

Dear Sun-Hee,

I'm sorry I haven't written before. I arrived; there are a few days at Seattle. I saw the city for the first time at the top of the fly. I see many lights which shone like stars. It was like a sky in the night but with of the life. Since I is here, I fell how disorientate and I incapable of understand what takes place around me. When I arrived here, the people were very speed, no make the effort to live. By arriving, I pass the customs; I did not really understand what he said to me. After I took a taxi for go at my sister. In the round I watch the contrast which there was in the country; on one side of the street there was one of the shops for rich people and of other one of the ghettos where people seemed poor. It my hurt the heart, how can one let people like that without their carry help.
The people here no respect the environment, they not concerns not of their future. Here people do not cook, they are going to buy, in a fast food, all that they need, and they do not take time to prepare their own meal. They prefer the speed to the quality. I feel not really at home, but this place is so fascinating that I want to discover all that it has to propose me. Must go now.

Love from Insook.


Réponse: Aide pour une lettre (élève de terminale de englishlad, postée le 11-11-2009 à 11:46:34 (S | E)

Dear Sun-Hee,

I'm sorry I haven't written before. I arrived; there are a few days AGO at IN Seattle. I saw the city for the first time at the top of the fly ???. I see SAW many lights which shone like stars. It was like a sky in the night but with of the life ???. Since I is HAVE BEEN here, I fell how HAVE FELT disorientateD and I AM incapable of understandING what takes IS TAKING place around me. When I arrived here, the people were very speed LIVED AT A FAST PACE?, no make the effort to live. By ON arriving, I passED/WENT THROUGH the customs; I did not really understand what he said to me. After I took a taxi for go at my TO MY sister'S. In the round ON THE WAY I watch SAW the contrast which there was in the country BETWEEN THE CITY AND COUNTRYSIDE; on one side of the street there was one of the shops for rich people and of ON THE other one of the A ghettos where people seemed poor. It my hurt the heart I FOUND IT DISTRESSING, how can one let people LIVE like that without their carry helpHELPING/TRYING TO HELP.
The people here HAVE no respect FOR the environment, they ARE not concernsED ABOUT not of their future. Here people do not cook, they are going to buy, in a fast food, all that they need THEY REGULARLY BUY FAST FOOD, and they do not take THE time to prepare their own mealS. They prefer the speed to the quality. I DON'T REALLY feel not really at home, but this place is so fascinating that I want to discover all that it has to propose me OFFER. Must go now.

Love from Insook.

To prefer something TO something (no article)... I prefer coffee to tea.

Réponse: Aide pour une lettre (élève de terminale de arnaudg, postée le 12-11-2009 à 01:26:09 (S | E)

Merci beaucoup, pour ton aide.

Réponse: Aide pour une lettre (élève de terminale de lucile83, postée le 12-11-2009 à 06:48:22 (S | E)
Il est demandé aux membres qui auront la gentillesse de répondre de signaler les fautes, d'aider le demandeur à se corriger, mais de ne jamais faire le travail à sa place. Cette règle est incontournable sur ce site d'apprentissage. Merci d'y penser lors de votre prochaine participation.

Réponse: Aide pour une lettre (élève de terminale de jackiee, postée le 12-11-2009 à 13:13:58 (S | E)


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