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Lettre commerciale en anglais

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Lettre commerciale en anglais
Message de hollomanne posté le 11-11-2009 à 13:41:21 (S | E | F)

Voilà, je suis en deuxième année de DCG et je dois écrire deux lettres commerciales. J'aurais souhaité obtenir l'avis de quelqu'un pour savoir si la lettre n'est pas trop familière et si je n'ai pas fait de grosses fautes d'orthographe.

Voici la première lettre : je ne mets que le corps de la lettre :
I write you to announce of our dissatisfaction with regard to the order No ... of which we always wait for the delivery.

This delay has many negative effects on our activity. We cannot continue our activity without this order. What can pull a delay in the payment of this invoice and in the payment of salaries of our employees.

That is why if the delivery does not intervene in the next three days following the sending of this mail, we shall see in the bond to prosecute you to perceive damages.

Consequently, we wish to obtain a discount on the invoice of this order by way of compensation of the delay of the delivery.

Je posterai la deuxième lettre après.

Réponse: Lettre commerciale en anglais de englishlad, postée le 11-11-2009 à 16:56:06 (S | E)

There are a few small points:

I write am writing to you to announce express of our my dissatisfaction with regard to the order No ... of which we always wait for the delivery which has yet to be delivered/for which we are still awaiting delivery.

This delay has many negative effects on our activity. We cannot continue our activity without this order. What can pull a This will cause a delay in the payment of this invoice and in the payment of the salaries of our employees (or better, our employees' salaries).

That is why if It is for this reason that if the delivery does not intervene arrive in the next three days following the sending of this mail, we shall see in the bond we shall be left with no alternative than to prosecute you to perceive for damages.

Consequently As a consequence, we wish to obtain a discount on the invoice of this order by way of compensation of for the delay of the this delivery.

Hope this helps.

Réponse: Lettre commerciale en anglais de hollomanne, postée le 11-11-2009 à 17:18:37 (S | E)
Merci pour la réponse
Je posterai la deuxième dans quelque minutes.

Réponse: Lettre commerciale en anglais de hollomanne, postée le 11-11-2009 à 17:53:56 (S | E)
Voici la deuxième lettre,

I apolozige for the delay in shipping your order and i am sorry that you have had to write to us to complain.

It is not the habits of our company of credit note of the delays in delivery. By having already placing several orders to us, you were certainly able to notice it.

We have taken action to resolve this problem and the delivery will arrive as soon as possible that is in less than two days.

Being completely conscious of the caused inconvenience, I would like to offer you a discount of 10 %.

Meerci pour la correction

Réponse: Lettre commerciale en anglais de englishlad, postée le 11-11-2009 à 19:46:45 (S | E)
I apolozige apologise for the delay in shipping your order and i I am sorry that you have had to write to us to complain.

It is not the habits normal practice of our company of credit note of the to have delays in our deliveryies. By having already placinged several orders to with us, you were certainly able to notice it it has certainly come to you attention.

We have taken action to resolve this problem and the delivery will arrive as soon as possible that is in less than two days.

Being completely conscious of the caused inconvenience In acknowledging the incovenience caused, I would like to offer you a discount of 10 %.

Réponse: Lettre commerciale en anglais de hollomanne, postée le 11-11-2009 à 20:31:00 (S | E)

Je vous tiendrai au courant de ma note !!


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