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Correction- Texte

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Correction- Texte
Message de stef91 posté le 11-11-2009 à 17:09:45 (S | E | F)


Pourriez- vous m'aider pour la correction de mon texte?


Le voici:

Here this text:

The subject of my talk is : My uncle architect
The talk is in three part
The first is about his childhood, his study
The second part is about his family, his job
The last part is about his hobby's, holiday

My uncle is Massimo and he is 40 years old. He lives in Italy.
Anh he is a architect.

Let's start with the first part his childhood and his study.
When my uncle was young he likes make desing. And he goes in The Academy of Desing. He was a curious boy. He had a lot of dreams fore example; Pilot man, fireman,police man.
When he finished the high school. He goes in the university in Roma. And he had choose the professional of architect.

The second part is over his job and familly

When he had finished his study he married his girlfriend of his childhood and the had later two children.
He worked in a company of architect for 5 years and then he left his job for to open his company of architect.
Initially it was diificult but then the business began to function.

Then last his hobby, holiday
He made golf with his friends and for the holidays he makes cruises in different countries. For example ; Egypt, Spain

Réponse: Correction- Texte de englishlad, postée le 11-11-2009 à 18:03:20 (S | E)

Please find my corrections:

The subject of my talk is : My uncle who is an architect
The talk is in/consists of/comprises three parts
The first is about his childhood, his studyies
The second part is about his family, his job
The last part is about his hobby'sies, holidays

My uncle is Massimo and he is 40 years old. He lives in Italy.
Anhd he is an architect.

Let's start with the first part: his childhood and his studyies.
When my uncle was young he likesd make desingdesign. And he goeswent to/studied at in The Academy of Desing. He was a curious boy. He had a lot of dreams, fore example; he wanted/aspired to be a pilot man, a fireman and a policeman (one word).
When he finished the high school, he goeswent in theto university in Rome. And he had choosechosen to be an architect the professional of architect.

The second part is overabout his job and familly

When he had finished his studyies he married histhe girlfriend offrom his childhood and they had laterlater had two children.

He worked in a company ofas an architect for 5 years and then he left his job for to open his own company of architect.

Initially it was diificult but then the business began to function (better, flourish/progress).

Then last his hobbyies, holidays

He madeliked to play golf with his friends and for the holidays he makestook cruises into different countries. For example ; Egypt, Spain

Hope this helps.


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