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Jeu de rôle / correction

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Jeu de rôle / correction
Message de whims posté le 12-11-2009 à 19:04:25 (S | E | F)

pour mon cours d'anglais nous faisons un jeu de rôle. Par groupe nous préparons un entretien d'embauche et devrons passer à l'oral. L'exercice et noté et j'aimerai donc que notre anglais soit correct.
Pourriez-vous jeter un œil à mon travail et me dire ce qui vous semble louche ou incorrect du point de vu anglais ?
Merci d'avance.

- Hello Mr Jordao. I am Mrs Vaillant, human ressources director, she is Mrs Benyounes, our Computer Science director and he is Mr Petit, the Computer Science chef. So please, let’s begin the interview : Can you describe you in few words ?
- Hello. I studied MIT and I am here for the Webdesigner job . I am 20 years old, I like sports and video games and I have a 2 year old brother.?
- So, how have you known our company ??
- I searched on the Internet a company wich propose IT services and I choose yours because it is the leader of developpement.
- What are your skills ?
- I am skilled in programmation, algorithm, mathematics, DateBase and Web developpement. I know the most popular langages like C, C++, Java, SQL, xHTML, PHP, …
- What are your professional experiences ?
- I did a work placement in the laboratory of MLV University. I have other work experience in animation that give me facilities in relationship.
- Can you give us 3 qualities and 3 defects ?
- I think that animation give me sense of responsibility, my work placement made me hard-worker and my friends say about me i am a funny person. I think i am not very tolerant with lazy persons, i am demanding with others and maybe i am a little stubborn.
- Can you use DreamWeaver ?
- I don’t use software, I prefer create my own Websites. In my opinion, softwares are too limited. We can’t do everithing we want.
- Do you know DreamWeaver does the same things in a better time ? Could you learn DreamWeaver in order to work with us ?
- Yes. I think i am a person who can adapt quickly.
- What salary do you expect ?
- I would like 20 00€ per year to begin.
- Will you be able to work during Weekends ?
- If you incerase my salary, i have no objection.
- Thank you Mr Jordao. We will contact you next year.

Modifié par bridg le 12-11-2009 19:06

Réponse: Jeu de rôle / correction de laurine75, postée le 13-11-2009 à 14:10:45 (S | E)

Voici un avis, après, il n'y a pas de bonne réponse à un exercice aussi ouvert. Je n'ai pas tout corrigé, certains passages sont un peu curieux. Attention au mot "facilities" (à chercher dans le dictionnaire), ce passage est faux et est à travailler. Au boulot :-) Mais la base est bonne.

Hello Mr Jordao. Let me introduce ourselves. I am Mrs Vaillant, human ressources director, she is Mrs Benyounes, our Computer Science director and he is Mr Petit, the Computer Science chef. So please, let’s begin the interview : Would you be kind to introduce yourself within a few words?
- First, thank you for accepting my application to the job posting regarding your search of a webdesigner. Well,I havestudied MITat XXX school for XX years. I am 20 years old, I like sports and video games and I have a 2 year old brother.?
- And how have you known our company ??
- I searched on the Internet a company that offers IT services and I chose XXX (company name) because it is the leader of its field in terms of research and developpement.
- What are your skills ?
- I have competencies in programmation, algorithm, mathematics, DateBase and Web developpement. I know most popular langages like C, C++, Java, SQL, xHTML, PHP, …
- What are your professional experiences ?
- I did a work placement in the laboratory of MLV University. I have other work experience in animation that give me facilities in relationship.
- Can you give us 3 qualities and 3 defects ?
- I think that animation give me sense of responsibility, my work placement made me hard-worker and my friends say about me i am a funny person. I think i am not very tolerant with lazy persons, i am demanding with others and maybe i am a little stubborn.
- Can you use DreamWeaver ?
- I don’t use software, I prefer to create websites from scratch. In my opinion, softwares are too limited. We can’t do everything we want.
- Do you know DreamWeaver does the same things in a better time ? Could you learn DreamWeaver in order to work with us ?
- Yes. I think i am a person who can adapt quickly.
- What salary do you expect ?
- I would like 20 00€ per year to begin.
- Will you be able to work during Weekends ?
- If you increase my salary, i have no objection.
- Thank you Mr Jordao. We will contact you next year.

Réponse: Jeu de rôle / correction de whims, postée le 22-11-2009 à 15:04:34 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour ces corrections !
Avec mon groupe, on a eu 17,5 / 20
Un grand merci pour le temps que vous avez pris pour me corriger et pour l'aide que vous m'avez apportée.

Voici les corrections que mon professeur à apporté en plus (si ça peut aider quelqu'un) :

- Hello Mr Jordao. Let me introduce ourselves. I am Mrs Vaillant, human ressources director, she is Mrs Benyounes, our Computer Science director and he is Mr Petit, the Computer Science chef. So please, let’s begin the interview : Would you be kind to introduce yourself within a few words?
- First, thank you for accepting my application to the job posting regarding your search of a webdesigner. Well, I have studied MIT at XXX school for XX years. I am 20 years old, I like sports and video games and I have a 2 year old brother.
- And how did you hear about our company ??
- I look on the Internet for a company that offers IT services and I chose XXX (company name) because it is the leader of its field in terms of research and developpement.
- What are your skills ?
- I have competencies in programmation, algorithm, mathematics, DateBase and Web developpement. I know most popular langages like C, C++, Java, SQL, xHTML, PHP, …
- What are your professional experiences ?
- I did a work placement in the laboratory of MLV University. I have other work experience in animation that give me talent in relationship.
- Can you give us 3 qualities and 3 defaults ? ("defects" is for objects)
- I think that animation give me sense of responsibility, my work placement made me hard-worker and my friends say about me i am a funny person. I think i am not very tolerant with lazy people, i am demanding with others and maybe i am a little stubborn.
- Can you use DreamWeaver ?
- I don’t use software, I prefer to create websites from scratch. In my opinion, softwares are too limited. We can’t do everything we want.
- Do you know DreamWeaver does the same things in a better time ? Could you learn DreamWeaver in order to work with us ?
- Yes. I think i am a person who can adapt quickly.
- What salary do you expect ?
- I would like 20 000€ per year to begin.
- Will you be able to work during Weekends ?
- If you increase my salary, i have no objection.
- Thank you Mr Jordao. We will contact you next week.


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