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<< Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de liteonn posté le 05-12-2009 à 14:17:52 (S | E | F)

Bonjour à tous,

Voila j'aimerais avoir une aide sur ma traduction en anglais:

What the violence to a woman?
The violence to a woman, it is any verbal or physical threat which imposes him(her) damages. This violence is multiple: there is at first the physical violence for the knocks and the murders, then the violence sexual as the rape, the psychological violence with the insults and the threats and finally the violence for the work with the harassments.

The violence has an enormous incidence on the health and the well-being of the women. But also on the future of the children who can resume(take back) the example of their father. It facilitates the suicide at the women.

The conjugal violence is the first cause of wounds and death(deaths) for the women in the world. In France a woman dies everything 3 days under the knocks of her husband, while a man dies everything 14 days. In 2009, 157 women died in France under the knocks of their spouse. It represents 20 % of the murders committed in our country.

Many women are afraid of lodging a complaint against her husband. That is why to fight against this plague, the government has set up laws against this problem in particular by strengthening the penal plan(shot), by preventing(warning) the recurrence, by proposing supports station wagon and finally by making sensitive and by informing the citizens. Associations are very present for the defence of the rights of the women, " neither whores nor subjected ", and SOS women or even the Day against the violence made for the women.
You should not forget that certain men(people) are victims of violence by his wife.

I chose this subject because I consider that the woman is equal to the man and that the man who beats his wife is not a man but a coward.

Modifié par bridg le 05-12-2009 14:18

Réponse: violence/correction de seb06000, postée le 05-12-2009 à 14:41:59 (S | E)

je vous indique les pistes de correction

What the violence to a woman? ( sens de la phrase? il manque un verbe)

The violence to a woman, it ( répétition du sujet 'it' inutile, calque du français) is any verbal or physical threat which imposes him(her) damages ( voc, cela signifie signifie 'dommages et intérêts') . This violence is multiple: there is at first the physical violence for the knocks and the murders, then the violence sexual ( adjectif toujours épithète en anglais) as the rape, the psychological violence with the insults and the threats and finally the violence for ( erreur de préposition) the work with the harassments.

The violence has an enormous incidence on the health and the well-being of the women. But also on the future of the children who can resume(take back) the example of their father. It facilitates the suicide at ( préposition,je passerais par un génitif, un possessif) the women.

The conjugal violence is the first cause of wounds and death(deaths) for the (article inutile) women in the world. In France a woman dies everything( adverbe à revoir) 3 days under the knocks of her husband, while a man dies everything 14 days. In 2009, 157 women died in France under the knocks of their spouse. It represents 20 % of the murders committed in our country.

Many women are afraid of lodging a complaint (voc) against her husband. That is why to fight against this plague, the government has set up laws against this problem in particular by strengthening the penal plan(shot (sens?), by preventing(warning) the recurrence, by proposing supports station wagon (sens?) and finally by making sensitive and by informing the citizens. Associations are very present for the defence of the rights of the women (on peut alléger en créant un mot composé ou avec un génitif) , " neither whores nor subjected ", and SOS women (inutile de traduire, ce sont des associations propres au français, culturel) or even the Day against the violence made for the women.
You should not forget that certain (voc) men(people) are victims of violence by his ( il faut la forme pluriel du possessif) wife.

I chose this subject because I consider that the woman is equal to the man( article inutile pour Man et Woman) and that the man who beats his wife is not a man but a coward.




Réponse: violence/correction de liteonn, postée le 06-12-2009 à 17:25:45 (S | E)
beaucoup pour votre aide ; voila ce que j'ai corrigé grace à vous ;)

What is the violence to a woman?

The violence to a woman, is any verbal or physical threat which imposes her damages physical . This violence is multiple: there is at first the physical violence for the knocks and the murders, then the sexual violence as the rape, the psychological violence with the insults and the threats and finally the violence to the work with the harassments.

The violence has an enormous incidence on the health and the well-being of the women. But also on the future of the children who can take the example of their father. It facilitates the woman's work.

The conjugal violence is the first cause of wounds and death for women in the world. In France a woman often dies 3 days under the knocks of her husband, while a man dies often 14 days. In 2009, 157 women died in France under the knocks of their spouse. It represents 20 % of the murders committed in our country.

Many women are afraid of bring an action against her husband. That is why to fight against this plague, the government has set up laws against this problem in particular by strengthening laws, by preventing the recurrence, by proposing a familial support and finally by making sensitive and by informing the citizens. Associations are very present for the women's rights' defence, "ni pute, ni soumise", and Sos femme or even the Day against the violence made for the women.
You should not forget that some men are victims of violence by theirs wife.

I chose this subject because I consider that the woman is equal to man and that man who beats his wife is not a man but a coward.

Réponse: violence/correction de liteonn, postée le 09-12-2009 à 18:38:55 (S | E)

J'ai corriger mon exercice mais je sais pas si j'ai bon pourriez vous s'il vous plait maider??

Merci d'avance

Réponse: violence/correction de seb06000, postée le 09-12-2009 à 19:58:12 (S | E)

voici les choses à corriger:

-s her damages physical => adjectif toujours épithète en anglais

- finally the violence to the work (erreur de préposition)

- often dies 3 days (il faut exprimer la régularité, often ne marche pas)

-afraid of bring an action against her husband. ( construction de afraid of + ...)

-t for the women's rights' defence, => deux génitifs à la suite, il faut éviter, gardez en un et pour l'autre passez par ' of'

-ce by theirs (ortho)

Voilà courage!



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