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Dialogue/ about alcohol

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Dialogue/ about alcohol
Message de coco76 posté le 06-12-2009 à 17:57:20 (S | E | F)

Bonjour, j'ai fait un dialogue portant sur le sujet de l'alcool entre parents et enfants. je ne suis pas très bonne en anglais et je suis sur qu'il y a des fautes :S je fais donc appel à vous pour me corriger.

K= Kelly ( la fille)
F= Father
M= Mother

Kelly 's parents are waiting her in the living room. Kelly get up and make for the kitchen but her parents call her for have a discussion on the night before.

M= How are you today ?
K= I'm fine, I feel very good ! Why this question ?
F= Have you see your face ? you look like to zombie...
K= It's wrong dad ! The night was short. i'm just little tired !
M= Mmmmh are you sick ? Do you want give a medicament ?
F= In my opinion, she isn't ill, it's alcool effect of the night... isn't Kelly ?
K= How do you know it ? Mum, I can't trust.
M= Me too I can't trust you because I didn't thought you must come back at home bombed.(bouré)
F= Your mother has reason, you musn't remenber the noise that you are do last night...
You are forbid to go out now. You are overstep the mark.(dépasser les limites)
K= You don't have right, it's my life, this don't look at you.
M= Kelly (soit raisonnable), listen your father. After the punishment you will be able to go out with your friends.
F= Yes, finally if don't answer any more !
K= I have right to say what I think, you don't have right to punish me for this.
F= You must respect us, we are you parents !
M= I agree with your father, but to come back to the promblem of alcool, I hope at least thaht driver had not drunk.
K= But mum, you take me for whom ? ( tu me prend pour qui ? )
I wouldn't go up by car if there was a risk.
F= This I don't believe, nowdays the young are irresponsable.
M= Yes but Kelly's not as other young.
K= Anyway I'm 18years old then fucking gum to shut up !
F= It's you whicj going to close it ! Small perky.

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-12-2009 17:59

Réponse: Dialogue/ about alcohol de seb06000, postée le 06-12-2009 à 18:19:22 (S | E)

je vous indique les erreurs

"Kelly 's parents are waiting (il manque une préposition commençant par F** ) her in the living room. Kelly get( 3eme personne donc...) up and make for the kitchen( il faut un verbe =>cuisiner) but her parents call her for (l'expression du but est différente, regardez à ' afin de') have a discussion on (erreur de préposition) the night before.

M= How are you today ?
K= I'm fine, I feel very good ! Why this question ?
F= Have you see (have + participe passé) your face ? you look like to( préposition inutile) zombie...
K= It's wrong dad ! The night was short. i'm just ( il manque un article indéfini) little tired !
M= Mmmmh are you sick ? Do you want give a medicament (voc) ?
F= In my opinion, she isn't ill, it's alcool effect of the night... isn't (il manque IT=> n'est ce pas en anglais) Kelly ?
K= How do you know it ? Mum, I can't trust.
M= Me too I can't trust you because I didn't thought you must come back at home bombed.(bouré => non!)
F= Your mother has reason (calque du français) , you musn't remenber the noise that you are do (last night est du passé donc il faut un verbe au passé, preterit ici) last night...
You are forbid( il faut un adjectif ici) to go out now. You are overstep the mark.(to cross the line => expression propre à l'anglais, il faut juste la mettre au passé))
K= You don't have right ( il manque un article ), it's my life, this don't look at you.
M= Kelly (soit raisonnable => dictionnaire), listen (il manque une préposition) your father. After the punishment you will be able ( be able = capable physiquement) to go out with your friends.
F= Yes, finally if don't answer any more (sens?) !
K= I have right (article) to say what I think, you don't have right (idem) to punish me for this.
F= You must respect us, we are you (possessif) parents !
M= I agree with your father, but to come back to the promblem (ortho) of alcool, I hope at least thaht driver had not drunk (That + article) .
K= But mum, you take me for whom ? ( calque du français )
I wouldn't go up by car if there was a risk.
F= This( position de This, calque du français) I don't believe, nowdays the young are irresponsable.
M= Yes but Kelly's not as other young (people).
K= Anyway I'm 18years old then fucking gum to shut up (sens?) !
F= It's you whicj going to close it( sens?) ! Small perky.

Courage vous avez un dictionnaire en double-cliquant sur n'importe quel mot de la page!



Réponse: Dialogue/ about alcohol de coco76, postée le 07-12-2009 à 21:59:29 (S | E)
"Kelly 's parents are waiting for her in the living room. Kelly gets up and make for the kitchen( il faut un verbe =>cuisiner) but her parents call her for (l'expression du but est différente, regardez à ' afin de') have a discussion on (erreur de préposition) the night before.

M= How are you today ?
K= I'm fine, I feel very good ! Why this question ?
F= Have you see (have + participe passé) your face ? you look like zombie...
K= It's wrong dad ! The night was short. i'm just a little tired !
M= Mmmmh are you sick ? Do you want give a medicament (voc) ?
F= In my opinion, she isn't ill, it's alcool effect of the night... isn't it Kelly ?
K= How do you know it ? Mum, I can't trust.
M= Me too I can't trust you because I didn't thought you must come back at home bombed.(bouré => non!)
F= Your mother has reason (calque du français) , you musn't remenber the noise that you are did (last night est du passé donc il faut un verbe au passé, preterit ici) last night...
You are forbid( il faut un adjectif ici) to go out now. You were crossed the line.(to cross the line => expression propre à l'anglais, il faut juste la mettre au passé))
K= You don't have right ( il manque un article ), it's my life, this don't look at you.
M= Kelly (soit raisonnable => dictionnaire), listen to (il manque une préposition) your father. After the punishment you will be able ( be able = capable physiquement) to go out with your friends.
F= Yes, finally if don't answer any more (sens?) !
K= I have right (article) (je ne vois pas) to say what I think, you don't have right (idem) to punish me for this.
F= You must respect us, we are you (possessif) parents !
M= I agree with your father, but to come back to the promblem (ortho) of alcool, I hope at least thaht driver had not drunk (That + article) .
K= But mum, you take me for whom ? ( calque du français )
I wouldn't go up by car if there was a risk.
F= This( position de This, calque du français)(je ne comprend pas ce que vous voulez dire ?) I don't believe, nowdays the young are irresponsable
M= Yes but Kelly's not as other people.
K= Anyway I'm 18years old then fucking gum to shut up !(sens?) On veut dire " de toute façon, j'ai 18ans alors fermez vos gueules !"
F= It's you which going to close it( sens?)On veut dire "C'est toi qui va la fermer ! Small perky. (Petite Peste !)

Réponse: Dialogue/ about alcohol de kevinchicoutimi, postée le 07-12-2009 à 23:13:31 (S | E)
Bien joué pour les traductions ! Maintenant, allons donner un coup de main à Clemg7h, sur le texte science fiction ! A+ Les amis


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