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Correction/ au bar

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Correction/ au bar
Message de paulvdd posté le 14-12-2009 à 15:22:53 (S | E | F)

Bonjour(s) pouvez vous me corriger les fautes les plus grosses svp s'il vous plaît?
c'est un dialogue entre 2 personnes seulement.

John: Hello kate. How are you ?
Kate: Good moorning john. I'm fine, thank you I'm running a little late!
Don't mention it! Because the bar is a little hidden I am sorry.
Want you some thing a coffee, an orange juice...
Yes a coffe please.
Two coffe please
what news?
Infact I have had quite a run of bad luck lately. And i am searching of work in automobile because my boss has close up shop
Oh i am sorry but my father use in automobile i can him speak if you want?
Yes of course. Can I get in touch with him? Could I take your phone number?
Don't bother!His telephone number is 000. Call him tuesday.
Ok thank you very much.
Are you up to anything this night?
No why?
For the first meet I’d like go in the restaurant very become which name is paris.
You must be joking!it is my restaurant prefer. How says you?
You me have says on the internet .
I am very happy. You me suprising of minutes in minutes and you are very easy to talk to
I suppose it might be the combination of charming personality,great sense of humor.i joke.
you are so nice so beautiful…
I stop will redden
I can appear a little abrupt to you it is because everything I do, I do all the way.
I understand very well you are like me I had not seen the hour. I am sorry but I must leave.
Why don't you hang around for a while?
already late
Ah the mother. What time shall we meet fot this evening
I do not know 19:00 its suits you
ok then has 19:00 at the restaurant bye bye
Modifié par bridg le 14-12-2009 15:23

Réponse: Correction/ au bar de gerondif, postée le 14-12-2009 à 18:56:04 (S | E)
vos expressions toutes faites sont correctes mais ce que vous inventez est souvent erroné.

John: Hello kate. How are you ?
Kate: Good moorning john. I'm fine, thank you I'm running a little late!
Don't mention it! Because the bar is a little hidden I am sorry.
Want you (forme interrogative à revoir)some thing a coffee, an orange juice...
Yes a coffe please.
Two coffe(pluriel et orthographe) please
what news?
Infact I have had quite a run of bad luck lately. And i am searching(to search = fouiller un suspect. changer de verbe) of work (faux du travail = un emploi)in automobile because my boss has close(participe passé) up his shop
Oh i am sorry(pourquoi être désolé de l'aide qu'on apporte) but my father use(mauvais verbe) in automobile i can him speak if you want( si tu veux= if you like)?
Yes of course. Can I get in touch with him? Could I take your phone number?
Don't bother( = pas la peine ne convient pas)!His telephone number is 000. Call him tuesday(on + jour avec majuscule).
Ok thank you very much.
Are you up to anything this night.(traduction de ce soir)?
No why?
For the(notre irait mieux) first meeting I’d like go(inf complet après I'd like) in the restaurant very become which name is parisn'a pas de sens . utiliser un adjectif simple comme famous).
You must be joking!(signifie qu'on proteste)it is my restaurant prefer.(mauvais mot mal placé. utilisez correctement favourite) How says you?( ne convient pas pour qu'en dis tu ? traduisez "qu'en penses-tu ?")
You me have says on the internet .(pas de sens)
I am very happy. You me suprising (mauvaise conjugaison)of minutes in minutes and you are very easy to talk to
I suppose it might be the combination of charming personality,great sense of humor.i joke(mauvais temps, utilisez le présent en ing).
you are so nice so beautiful…
I stop will redden(telescopage de phrases. traduire1) arrête 2) je vais rougir)
I can appear a little abrupt to you it is because everything I do, I do all the way.(bizarre)
I understand very well, you are like me ,I had not seen the hour.(français traduit. traduire:je n'avais pas vu qu'il était si tard). I am sorry but I must leave.(mettez des points entre vos phrases)
Why don't you hang around for a while?(stay irait mieux)
already late (Où est le verbe)
Ah the mother(??? Ah , les mères ? au pluriel alors). What time shall we meet fot this evening ?
I do not know 19:00 (rajouter si) its suits you
ok then has(vous êtes sûr que à 7 heures, c'est le verbe avoir ?) 19:00 at the restaurant bye bye
bye bye

Modifié par gerondif le 14-12-2009 18:56

Modifié par gerondif le 14-12-2009 18:58

Réponse: Correction/ au bar de paulvdd, postée le 14-12-2009 à 19:26:44 (S | E)
bonjour pouvez vous me corriger les fautes svp merci ( il y a une version précédente si vous ne trouvez rien de plus ne me corrigeait pas une fois encore)

John: Hello kate. How are you ?
Kate: Good moorning john. I'm fine, thank you I'm running a little late!
Don't mention it! Because the bar is a little hidden I am sorry.
Want you some thing a coffee, an orange juice...
Yes a coffe please.
Two coffe please
thanks to this meeting, i hope than wee will lean to you
i am very touched to be in front of you .you are exatly like your description. i think you are a beautiful girl with a very beautiful smile. has you met some meet on internet for me it is the first time.
thank you also you resemble much your description you are as I had imagined you and it is also my first meets on from Internet. one starts well
Are you up to anything this night?
No why?
For the first meet I’d like go in the restaurant very become which name is paris.
You must be joking!it is my restaurant prefer. How says you?
You me have says on the internet .
I am very happy. You me suprising of minutes in minutes and you are very easy to talk to
I suppose it might be the combination of charming personality,great sense of humor.i joke.
you are so nice so beautiful…
I stop will redden
I can appear a little abrupt to you it is because everything I do, I do all the way.
I understand very well you are like me I had not seen the hour. I am sorry but I must leave.
Why don't you hang around for a while?
it is late we must prepare for evening
good idea let us go . for the restaurant return we to that it hour
I do not know 19:00 its suits you
ok then has 19:00 at the restaurant
i really hope that hope our first date was not oour last. i felt very special when i was with you
thank you very much. byebye at this evening

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-12-2009 19:28
Topic fusionné; inutile de créer un sujet chaque fois car il s'agit du même texte;merci.

Réponse: Correction/ au bar de gerondif, postée le 14-12-2009 à 19:47:55 (S | E)
même remarques que précédemment:

John: Hello kate. How are you ?
Kate: Good moorning john. I'm fine, thank you I'm running a little late!
Don't mention it! Because the bar is a little hidden I am sorry.
Want you some thing a coffee, an orange juice...
Yes a coffe please.
Two coffe please
thanks to this meeting, i hope than wee will lean to you(aucun sens)i am very touched (happy)to be in front of you .you are exatly like your description. i think you are a beautiful girl with a very beautiful smile. has(conjugaison) you met some meet (anybody)on internet? for me it is the first time.
thank you (utile?)also you resemble much (utilisez look like)your description you are as I had imagined you and it is also my first meeting on Internet. one starts well(trop littéraire pour traduire well: cherchez: c'est un bon début)
Are you up to anything this night?
No why?
For the first meet I’d like go in the restaurant very become which name is paris.
You must be joking!it is my restaurant prefer. How says you?
You me have says on the internet .
I am very happy. You me suprising of minutes in minutes and you are very easy to talk to
I suppose it might be the combination of charming personality,great sense of humor.i joke.
you are so nice so beautiful…
I stop will redden
I can appear a little abrupt to you it is because everything I do, I do all the way.
I understand very well you are like me I had not seen the hour. I am sorry but I must leave.
Why don't you hang around for a while?
it is late. we must prepare for the evening
good idea. let us go . for the restaurant return we to that it hour(charabia: traduire: A quelle heure ......)
I do not know 19:00 (si)its suits you
ok then has 19:00 at the restaurant
i really hope that our first date was (le futur irait mieux)not our last. i felt very special when i was with you
thank you very much. byebye at this evening( ne se dit pas: servez vous des variantes de " see you !")


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