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Claude Gueux by Victor Hugo/correction

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Claude Gueux by Victor Hugo/correction
Message de so55 posté le 17-12-2009 à 22:03:05 (S | E | F)

j'ai un exposé à faire sur " Claude Gueux " de Victor Hugo, en anglais.
J'aimerais bien qu'on me dise s'il y a des fautes, si ce n'est pas trop redondant, et si certaines phrases ne sont pas assez sophistiquées. Je me pose notamment beaucoup de questions au niveau des temps.
Le voici :

"I have chosen " Claude Gueux " written by Victor Hugo in 1834.
The story is about Claude gueux, a poor inhabitant of Troyes. One day, he stole a load of broad to his family. For his crime, he went to the Clairvaux Prison where the "director" harrassed him. Tired, Claude killed the jailor. He tried to kill himself but he failed. One mont later, he was condemned to death penalty.
I feel this book is an exciting (je veux dire passionnant) novel because it has taugh me a lot of things : First, I have understood utility of prison : you imprison in order to punish or in order to protect others. Secondly, I have seen the stupidity of the death penalty : you kill because they kill other persons. Next, Hugo says it's better to educate people than send them to prison, that's why Claude has the bible although he's illiterate.
This book was written in the 19th century and death penalty was abolished in 1981. Finally, Hugo was a great writer, a forerunner. However, though the death penalty is abolished, prison is always so difficult : there are so many suicides. "


Modifié par lucile83 le 17-12-2009 22:09

Réponse: Claude Gueux by Victor Hugo/correction de gerondif, postée le 17-12-2009 à 23:39:00 (S | E)
"I have chosen " Claude Gueux " written by Victor Hugo in 1834.
The story is about Claude gueux, a poor inhabitant of Troyes. One day, he stole a load of broad to(pour sa famille) his family. For his crime, he went to the Clairvaux Prison where the "director" harrassed him. Tired, Claude killed the jailor. He tried to kill himself but he failed. One month later, he was condemned to death (penalty.)
I feel this book is an exciting (je veux dire passionnant) novel because it has taugh(orthographe) me a lot of things : First, I have understood the utility of prison (mettez the à cause du of) : you imprison in order to punish or in order to protect others. Secondly, I have seen the stupidity of the death penalty : you kill because they kill other persons(people). Next, Hugo says it's better to educate people than send them to prison, that's why Claude has the bible although he's illiterate.
This book was written in the 19th century and death penalty was abolished in 1981. Finally, Hugo was a great writer, a forerunner. However, though the death penalty is abolished, prison is always so(very) difficult : there are so many ( tant de suicides , alors point d'exclamation)suicides. "


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