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Reformulation de phrases en anglais

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Reformulation de phrases en anglais
Message de jessyh34 posté le 09-04-2010 à 20:27:11 (S | E | F)

Bonjour, J'ai beaucoup de difficultés en anglais. Je dois faire pour mes études un exercice de reformulation. Je dois reprendre la phrase et proposer une autre phrase sans changer le sens de sa signification, mais je sais pas comment mis prendre (si je dois garder le verbe, quels mots je dois changer...) Voici les phrases que je dois reformuler en les laissant en anglais. Pouvez-vous m'aider avec ses phrases svp. Merci d'avance!!!

« is there any way you could reduce this »

«Could you give us a group discount»

«Why don’t you take the Buffet Lunch instead»

«that is a possibility I suppose»

«what I could do is offer you 30% on the children’s meals for the Barbecue» «that would make a difference»

«Could you tell me what refreshments are served with the Barbecue menu? »

«If we only had the ½ bottle of wine with the Barbecue menu, could you reduce the price? »

«I don’t think we could do that because our menus are all carefully cost estimated»

«Would you be willing to replace the face painting for this group by a treasure hunt? »

«Yes. I don’t think that should be a problem»

«And would it be possible to include archery in the lawn games for the adults? »

«Yes, but I’m afraid we’d still have to charge £6 extra per person»

«could you give us a discount on this»

«OK, I could manage a 20% discount»

«Yes, can guarantee them provided you make a firm booking by 30th March and give us a 25% deposit»

Réponse: Reformulation de phrases en anglais de bridg, postée le 09-04-2010 à 20:57:04 (S | E)
Le souci est que nous ne faisons jamais le travail à la place des membres sur ce site.

Réponse: Reformulation de phrases en anglais de jessyh34, postée le 09-04-2010 à 21:40:34 (S | E)
Je ne cherche pas a ce qu'on me fasse mon exercice mais a ce qu'on m'explique comment m'y prendre mais si c'est trop demandé tant pis...

Réponse: Reformulation de phrases en anglais de notrepere, postée le 10-04-2010 à 04:33:10 (S | E)
Bonjour/Hello (Je suis débutant en français)

Could you reduce this in any way?
«Could you give us a group discount?»
Give us a group discount, couldn't you?

Do you see? Comprenez-vous?
A vous, maintenant. Ecrivez ici, je corrigerai.
Modifié par bridg le 10-04-2010 10:03
Un seul exemple gardé, il est suffisamment parlant pour que le membre puisse proposer ses réponses maintenant.

Réponse: Reformulation de phrases en anglais de jessyh34, postée le 10-04-2010 à 15:11:36 (S | E)
Merci pour votre exemple. J'ai essayé de faire les autres, pouvez-vous corriger ce que j'ai fait. Je n'ai pas réussi a faire la derniere. Merci d'avance!!!

Voici les phrases:

« is there any way you could reduce this »: Is It possible to reduce this?

«Why don’t you take the Buffet Lunch instead»: There is a Buffet Lunch instead, do you want to take it

«that is a possibility I suppose»: I think it’s possible

«what I could do is offer you 30% on the children’s meals for the Barbecue»: On the children’s meals for the Barbecue, I can reduce the price of 30%

«that would make a difference»: There is a difference

«Could you tell me what refreshments are served with the Barbecue menu? »: What refreshments are served with the Barbecue menu, couldn’t you?

«If we only had the ½ bottle of wine with the Barbecue menu, could you reduce the price? »: Is there any way to reduce the price if we only had the ½ bottle of wine.

«I don’t think we could do that because our menus are all carefully cost estimated»: Our menus are all carefully cost estimated so I think it’s not possible to reduce the price.

«Would you be willing to replace the face painting for this group by a treasure hunt? »: Could we change the face painting for is group by a treasure hunt?

«Yes. I don’t think that should be a problem»: Yes. It’s not a problem

«And would it be possible to include archery in the lawn games for the adults? »: Is it possible to include archery in the lawn games for the adults?

«Yes, but I’m afraid we’d still have to charge £6 extra per person»: Yes, but it will cost us £6 extra per person

«could you give us a discount on this»: Is it possible to get a discount on this

«OK, I could manage a 20% discount»: Ok, 20% discount is possible

«Yes, can guarantee them provided you make a firm booking by 30th March and give us a 25% deposit» (je ne sais pas comment reformuler cette phrase)

Merci beaucoup pour votre aide!!!

Réponse: Reformulation de phrases en anglais de notrepere, postée le 10-04-2010 à 17:19:47 (S | E)
I think the exercise is asking you to change the word order but to keep the same meaning. (Je pense que l'exercice vous demander à changer l'ordre des mots mais à garder le même sens. )

«that is a possibility I suppose»

Try starting this sentence with "I suppose" and use only the words included in the example. See what you come up with.


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