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Obama rencontre Martin Luther King (1)

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Obama rencontre Martin Luther King
Message de cinoche posté le 17-04-2010 à 22:10:54


J'ai un devoir d'anglais à faire, et le voici:
quelqu'un pourrait-il m'aider à trouver d'éventuelles erreurs?
Merci pour vos réponses.

Subject: tanks’ to wizard, Barack Obama has the opportunity to have a conversation with Martin Luther King
January 20th 2009, after the investiture, at midnight, Barack Hussein Obama worked about the controversial problem of pollution; in his office, in white house, all of a sudden, Martin Luther king appeared thanks to wizard. Barack was astonished where caught sight of Martin Luther king who sent chills down his spine.
Barack Obama:”Oh My god, Am I Dreaming? ”
MLK:”No, Barack, I’m Martin Luther in the flesh” retorted kindly, Martin Luther king.
Barack Obama: “How well do you do?” told Barack Obama shaking
MlK: “good, are you alright?”
Barack Obama:”Yes.”
MLK:” what are you doing, Barack?” enquired curiously Martin Luther King.
Barack Obama:”I ‘m working about the actually issues, but, it’s my first day as the 44th president of the United States and, so I’m overwhelmed, I can’t wait for the holidays”
MLK: “ah okay, you’re working about the segregation, discrimination…”
Barack Obama:”No, Martin, In America there aren’t the racial issue, Jim crow laws was abolished, Blacks and white people are free and are on a equal footing, as in your dreams, nowadays, the American’s children are not judge by their color of their skin but by the content of their character, for example, me, I have been selected by the American’s population for my competence, because of you. So, in America there is a beautiful symphony of brotherhood.” Explained, scornfully, Barack Hussein Obama.
MLK:”Ah, really…” mumbled tearfully.
Barack Obama: ”United States of America have been got bogged down Iraq and Afghanistan, I must reform health care system and we’ re crossing a depression whereas I would like our economy to be better and thriving! I need someone to help me in order to improve the situation.” announced sadly, Barack Obama.
MLK: “honest-to-God! You must withdraw from Iraq and send more companies in Afghanistan, approximately, 30.000 serviceman, and you have to pass legislation and create new jobs, notably about ecology, so that, the unemployment be weak. You Have to never say die” advised Martin Luther King.
Barack Obama:”thanks!”
MLK:” I have to join doc in order to discover the future.”
Barack Obama: “Discover the future?” he shrugged his shoulders
MLk:”Yes, we can.” He nodded
Barack Obama:” Me, I must eat with Michelle”
MLK: “Michelle?” he gave a frown.
Barack Obama:”Yes my wife.”
Barack Obama: “good bye.” Shouted Barack.
When Barack woke up, he said drily:
Barack Obama: “I have been a dream today, I have a dream that one day, I will be able to meet Martin Luther king.”

Merci de votre aide.

Modifié par lucile83 le 17-04-2010 22:40

Modifié par lucile83 le 25-04-2010 20:18

Réponse: Obama rencontre Martin Luther King de lucile83, postée le 17-04-2010 à 22:42:29
Merci pour votre message.
Il est inutile de réclamer de l'aide à plusieurs reprises ni par mp : les membres du site sont sans doute occupés ailleurs (vie de famille ou activité professionnelle par exemple); dès qu'un membre pourra vous aider il le fera, sans compter que l'urgence n'est pas de mise sur le site.

Réponse: Obama rencontre Martin Luther King de notrepere, postée le 17-04-2010 à 22:50:12

Bon travail!

Barack Obama:”Oh my God, am I dreaming? ”
MLK:”No, Barack, I’m Martin Luther in the flesh” retorted kindly, Martin Luther king.
Barack Obama: “How well do you do?” told (utilise 'say' au passé simple) Barack Obama shaking
MlK: “Good, are you alright?”
Barack Obama:”Yes.”
MLK:” What are you doing, Barack?” enquired curiously Martin Luther King.
Barack Obama:”I ‘m working about the actually issues, but, it’s my first day as the 44th president of the United States and, so I’m overwhelmed, I can’t wait for the holidays”
MLK: “Ah okay, you’re working about the segregation, discrimination…”

Comme le drapeau français, les mots en rouges mettent après les mots en bleus

En générale, les adjectifs mettent avant le verbe:
Martin Luther King retorted
Martin Luther King kindly retorted

Les phrases en roses: Ces phrases ont besoin de plus de travaux.

Réparez ces erreurs et puis je peux vous aider plus.

Vive la France!

Modifié par notrepere le 17-04-2010 22:51

Réponse: Obama rencontre Martin Luther King de notrepere, postée le 17-04-2010 à 23:19:38

Martin Luther King kindly retorted

Barack Obama: “Well, how do you do?”Barack Obama told said, shaking
MLK:” What are you doing, Barack?” Martin Luther King enquired curiously .

Entre enquired et curiously, which one is the verb and which one is the adjective? The adjective is placed BEFORE the verb.

Instead of "working about" you should say "working on

Also, since we already know who's talking, you don't need to repeat their name at the end of each sentence:

Barack Obama: “Well, how do you do?” he said, shaking

Modifié par notrepere le 18-04-2010 00:41

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