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Dorothy's house

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Dorothy's house
Message de elise01 posté le 19-04-2010 à 15:50:14 (S | E | F)

Bonjour, voici le résumé d'un sujet type BAC, pourriez-vous svp s'il vous plaît m'aider dans la correction de ce texte afin que je puisse l'apprendre ?

This document is a short story which is entitled “A dry white season” and which was written by André Brink . The scene takes place in Dorothy's house. Dorothy is an housemaid in Melanie's family. Dorothy had worked first for Melanie's Dad and then for Melanie and her husband Brian. Melanie is telling Ben how the housemaid Dorothy fell ill and what she discovered when she drived Dorothy home.Dorothy was Melanie's housemaid a long time ago. She lived with her and her father everyday and she'd helped her Dad to bring her up. Melanie got married whith Brian and then Dorothy lived with them. Melanie thinking knew very well Dorothy. An afternoon, Dorothy fell ill at work and Melanie went to Dorothy's house. Dorothy's house shook Melanie. For example, Dorothy's house has no electricity, no ceiling and just two rooms. They was seven to live here. They haven't no matresses and not enough bed so they took turns with the bed and the rest sleep on the floor. Dorothy was poor even if Melanie's family paid her a decent wages. Melanie knew Dorothy since always and she didn't know her life. It was difficult to bear for Melanie. Moreover, she discovered that lives differents from her existed. Indeed, Melanie's Dad may have been wealthy to pay Dorothy who lived now with Melanie and her husband Brian. Melanie and him may have too good lifestyle and good work. Dorothy has a lifestyle in contrast to them.This incident affected her married life, she couldn't stay near her husband, she couldn't face him, she didn't know what to say to him. So she decided to got divorced and she moved into her own flat and because her father needed her, she went back to live with him and she decided to become a journal
Merci beaucoup, Elise

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-04-2010 15:37

Réponse: Dorothy's house de notrepere, postée le 19-04-2010 à 16:19:21 (S | E)
This document is a short story which is entitled “A dry white season” and which was written by André Brink . The scene takes place in Dorothy's house. Dorothy is an housemaid in Melanie's family. Dorothy had worked first for Melanie's Dad and then for Melanie and her husband Brian. Melanie is telling Ben how the housemaid Dorothy fell ill and what she discovered when she drived Dorothy home. Dorothy was Melanie's housemaid a long time ago. She lived with her and her father everyday and she'd helped her Dad to bring her up. Melanie got married whith Brian and then Dorothy lived with them. Melanie thinking knew very well Dorothy. An afternoon, Dorothy fell ill at work and Melanie went to Dorothy's house.

drived = what is the past tense of 'to drive'?
whith = spelling error
thinking = put in simple past
very well Dorothy = the words in blue come after the words in red
An = En français, un, une = a, an ou quoi?

Modifié par notrepere le 19-04-2010 17:02

Réponse: Dorothy's house de elise01, postée le 19-04-2010 à 16:30:26 (S | E)
Merci pour votre aide et vos explications, voici ma correction:
This document is a short story which is entitled “A dry white season” and which was written by André Brink . The scene takes place in Dorothy's house. Dorothy is an housemaid in Melanie's family. Dorothy had worked first for Melanie's Dad and then for Melanie and her husband Brian. Melanie is telling Ben how the housemaid Dorothy fell ill and what she discovered when she drove Dorothy home. Dorothy was Melanie's housemaid a long time ago. She lived with her and her father everyday and she'd helped her Dad to bring her up. Melanie got married with Brian and then Dorothy lived with them. Melanie thought knew Dorothy very well. The afternoon, Dorothy fell ill at work and Melanie went to Dorothy's house.

En attendant la suite... Merci beaucoup, elise.

Réponse: Dorothy's house de notrepere, postée le 19-04-2010 à 17:02:27 (S | E)
The scene takes place in Dorothy's house. Dorothy is an housemaid in Melanie's family. Dorothy had worked first for Melanie's Dad and then for Melanie and her husband Brian. Melanie is telling Ben how the housemaid Dorothy fell ill and what she discovered when she drove Dorothy home. Dorothy was Melanie's housemaid a long time ago. She lived with her and her father everyday and she'd helped her Dad to bring her up. Melanie got married with Brian and then Dorothy lived with them. Melanie thought [ ] knew Dorothy very well. The afternoon, Dorothy fell ill at work and Melanie went to Dorothy's house.

everyday = deux mots
with = wrong preposition: Lien Internet

[ ] = missing word. En français, le mot est 'elle'. Quel est le mot en anglais?
The = non, un, une = a, an ou un numéro. Quel numéro?

Modifié par notrepere le 19-04-2010 17:02

Réponse: Dorothy's house de lamy, postée le 19-04-2010 à 17:10:41 (S | E)

attention aussi à:
Dorothy is a housemaid in Melanie's family.


Réponse: Dorothy's house de elise01, postée le 20-04-2010 à 15:35:29 (S | E)
Merci pour votre correction mais comme vous n'avez corrigé que le début de mon expression, cela signifie-t-il qu'il n'y a pas d'erreurs après? En tous cas merci beaucoup pour votre aide, voici ma correction: Elise.

This document is a short story which is entitled “A dry white season” and which was written by André Brink . The scene takes place in Dorothy's house. Dorothy is a housemaid in Melanie's family. Dorothy had worked first for Melanie's Dad and then for Melanie and her husband Brian. Melanie is telling Ben how the housemaid Dorothy fell ill and what she discovered when she drove Dorothy home. Dorothy was Melanie's housemaid a long time ago. She lived with her and her father every day and she'd helped her Dad to bring her up. Melanie got married to Brian and then Dorothy lived with them. Melanie thought her knew Dorothy very well. One afternoon, Dorothy fell ill at work and Melanie went to Dorothy's house.

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-04-2010 15:39

Réponse: Dorothy's house de irishseb, postée le 20-04-2010 à 16:38:27 (S | E)
Bonjour, voici ma correction:

"This document is a short story which is entitled “A dry white season” and which was written by André Brink . The scene takes place in Dorothy's house. Dorothy is a housemaid in Melanie's family. She had worked first for Melanie's Dad and then for Melanie and her husband Brian. Melanie is telling Ben how the housemaid Dorothy fell ill and what she discovered when she drove Dorothy home. Dorothy was Melanie's housemaid a long time ago, she lived with her and her father every day and she'd helped her dad to bring her up. Melanie got married to Brian and then Dorothy lived with them. Melanie thought she knew Dorothy very well; but one afternoon, Dorothy fell ill at work and Melanie went to Dorothy's house. drove Dorothy home. There, she discovered something unexpected...


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