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Correction/Children's decisions

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Correction/Children's decisions
Message de malhak posté le 15-05-2010 à 20:02:32 (S | E | F)

Bonjour à tous, voilà je suis en train de préparer activement mon bac à lauréat Baccalauréatet en particulier celui d'anglais, matière dans laquelle je n'ai jamais fait d'étincelles ... Je souhaiterais juste qu'on me signale les éventuelles erreurs commises (je veux être capable de les corriger moi même,je souhaite simplement qu'on m'explique mes erreurs), ou alors des mots qui conviendraient mieux que d'autres pour le contexte ... Merci d'avance à ceux qui m'apporteront leur aide.

Do you think parents should interfere with their children's future plans ?

In the first place, I think that parents want to happiness of their childrens because the best satisfaction, for all parents, is to see their children to be happy, to have a good job, a beautiful house, a good husband ...
Nevertheless, I disapprove when parents interfere into the love life of their children because there is impossible to know end control feelings of someone. In that case, parents should to accpet friends an girlfriends of their children even if they hate them, if they have many defects.
It is necessary that parents warn their child if someone can have a bad influence on him but to leave their child to do his experiences. For example, a mother shouldn't say to his daughter that she doesn't love his new boyfriend because he is gothic whereas she doesn't know him, in the same way, if a son wants to get married with a girl who lives in India, parents have to agree to go to India for the wedding and they don't to choose his wife for him. It isn't their life but the life's children.
So, if a child want to become a doctor or to do an other job, his parents should always encourage him to carry on studies a work very well is a work which pleases him and it isn't them who will work but their children.
On the contrary, parents should advise and present several works to their children but they don't choose for them.
Moreover, if children don't want to work, I think that they should to decide for them or don't help them if they are lazy.
Therefor, generally, parents should only recommend their children and to agree their choices. But, it's true that sometimes it's necessary to take decisions for them because they are entirely mistaken.
Modifié par bridg le 15-05-2010 20:18
+ titre

Réponse: Correction/Children's decisions de laure95, postée le 16-05-2010 à 11:13:50 (S | E)
Voici ce que tu dois corriger:
Do you think parents should interfere with their children's future plans ?

In the first place, I think that parents want to happiness of their childrens (CHILDREN est déjà au pluriel) because the best satisfaction, for all parents, is to see their children to be happy, to have a good job, a beautiful house, a good husband ...
Nevertheless, I disapprove when parents interfere into the love life of their children because there is impossible to know end (orthographe) control the feelings of someone. In that case, parents should to accpet friends an girlfriends of their children even if they hate them, if they have many defects.
It is necessary that parents warn their child if someone can have a bad influence on him but to leave their child to do his experiences. For example, a mother shouldn't say to his daughter that she doesn't love his new boyfriend because he is gothic whereas she doesn't know him, in the same way, if a son wants to get married with a girl who lives in India, parents have to agree to go to India for the wedding and they don't to choose his wife for him. It isn't their life but the life's children.
So, if a child want (conjugaison) to become a doctor or to do an other job, his parents should always encourage him to carry on studies a work very well is a work which pleases him and it isn't them who will work but their children (mal dit).
On the contrary, parents should advise and present several works to their children but they don't choose for them.
Moreover, if children don't want to work, I think that they should to decide for them or don't help them if they are lazy.
Therefor (orthographe), generally, parents should only recommend their children and to agree their choices. But, it's true that sometimes it's necessary to take decisions for them because they are entirely mistaken.

Réponse: Correction/Children's decisions de malhak, postée le 16-05-2010 à 11:25:08 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour ton aide, ça devrait m'aider, bonne journée.

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-05-2010 13:32


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