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Violence on TV /Correction

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Violence on TV /Correction
Message de patouuu posté le 15-05-2010 à 20:07:19 (S | E | F)

Coucou, alors j'ai une rédaction à rendre en anglais mais j'aimerais d'abord avoir vos avis. Voilà, je vous remercie!

Violence on TV is said to be harmful because it influences people. It has become more and more realistic which can be for children as dangerous as for adult. But beyond the effects which are not wanted,we can look at the aim: informing events or phenomena that occur and have occurred.But to what extent images of violence should shown? To the extent that it is indispensable to understand our society, even if some consequences should be avoided.

Images of violence strengthen information TV brought us because it illustrates it and can be used as a proof. Information have to be proved by images of violence when it characterised a conflict or an event. News have to re transcript a fact faithfully including violent images when it deals with a conflict as we can see on riot, manifestation, or even natural disasters. Historical documentaries can be used as a cultural tool that relates history (war, revolution)
However, images of violence on TV can give rise to serious consequences when it concerns fiction. Real effects on TV have improved which erase the border between fiction and reality. People want to act as if they were on movies and forget that it's just fiction. As violence is trivialised, they don't realise how serious violence is anymore. Generally, as soon as their early childhood, those people have grown on this atmosphere of violence that TV offers them. They were influencable and don't realise the impact of violence on TV on their behaviour. It might seem that censorship would be the best solution, but state would keep media under control and thus, undermine their liberty.

Violence on TV should be shown when it deals with the reality, because when it deals with fiction in order to entertain, it trivialises violence which harms children's development.

Modifié par bridg le 15-05-2010 20:13
+ titre

Réponse: Violence on TV /Correction de notrepere, postée le 15-05-2010 à 22:56:15 (S | E)

Violence on TV is said to be harmful because it influences people. It has become more and more realistic which can be for children as dangerous as for adult[pluriel]. But beyond the effects which are not wanted, we can look at the aim:

informing events or phenomena that occur and have occurred

to inform us of events or phenomena...

I would also say that if you want to use "and have occurred" you should put the other in "continuous present":

to inform us of events or phenomena that ARE OCCURRING OR THAT HAVE OCCURRED

Or you could just leave the last part off and say:

To inform us of events or phenomena AS THEY OCCUR.

But to what extent should images of violence should be shown? To the extent that it is indispensable to understand our society, even if some consequences should be avoided.

Modifié par notrepere le 15-05-2010 22:56

Réponse: Violence on TV /Correction de patouuu, postée le 18-05-2010 à 23:17:04 (S | E)
D'accord, merci beaucoup!!


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