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Rapport de stage/oral anglais BTS

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Rapport de stage/oral anglais BTS
Message de priss08 posté le 27-05-2010 à 14:59:58 (S | E | F)


Je suis étudiante en BTS AG et je dois réaliser un rapport de stage en anglais pour mon oral. J'ai fait un brouillon et j'aimerais avoir vos avis sur le fond ou la forme.
Merci de votre aide.

I did my first work placement in the Tarkett’s training center based in Sedan during 5 weeks.
Its activity consists on the train of professionals and young apprentices to learn how to install floor coverings such as linoleum or wood.
There were 13 employees in the firm. My internship mentor was the training center’s manager.
The atmosphere in the office was very friendly, all the staff was very nice and helpful.
I carried out several tasks such as the welcome of the visitors, the implementation of a procedure of recruitment. Indeed, I was in charge of writing letters to found companies which are interested to take an apprentice.
Then, I have to obtain information about ancient trainees: know their current situation, their job or their wage... So I wrote letters and I created a quiz that the trainees have to send me.
I also have created an article for the firm’s newspaper which dealt with all the formations proposed by the company.
I have to send letters to customers whose have not paid their invoices.
And finally, I have realized tables with Excel in order to analyze the costs of canteen because my responsible noticed that the accounting department has charged to much meal.
In conclusion, I found this internship very interesting. It enabled me to become more autonomous, to have the sense of responsibilities and the sense of organization.

I did my second work placement in Donchery in a home-made company specialized in the plumbing and the heating during 5 weeks.
The company has a director and a secretary. The secretary was my responsible, she was very kind and the atmosphere was warm.
I used computer a lot because I essentially took care with accounting.
I also have ordered invoices, created letters for the company if customers don’t pay their invoices and then I have showed how to use the software WORD.
I found this internship instructive because I found accounting was very hard but thanks to my work placement I understand better.
Those two work placement really pleased me. That’s why; I would like to work in this branch later.

Modifié par lucile83 le 27-05-2010 15:54

Réponse: Rapport de stage/oral anglais BTS de gerondif, postée le 27-05-2010 à 17:31:42 (S | E)

I did my first work placement in the Tarkett’s training center based in Sedan during 5 weeks.
Its activity consists on the train of professionals and young apprentices to learn how to install floor coverings such as linoleum or wood.
There were 13 employees in the firm. My internship mentor was the training center’s manager.
The atmosphere in the office was very friendly, all the staff was(were) very nice and helpful.
I carried out several tasks such as the welcome of the visitors, the implementation of a procedure of recruitment. Indeed, I was in charge of writing letters to found companies which are interested to take an apprentice.
Then, I have(mettez au prétérit) to obtain information about ancient(former) trainees: to know their current situation, their job or their wage... So I wrote letters and I created a quiz (= interro, plutôt un sondage )that the trainees have(prétérit) to send me.
I also have created an article for the firm’s newspaper which dealt with all the formations proposed by the company.
I have to send letters to customers whose have(plueperfect) not paid their invoices.
And finally, I have realized tables with Excel in order to analyze the costs of canteen because my responsible noticed that the accounting department has charged to much meal.
In conclusion, I found this internship very interesting. It enabled me to become more autonomous, to have the sense of responsibilities and the sense of organization.

I did my second work placement in Donchery in a home-made company specialized in the plumbing and the heating during 5 weeks.
The company has a director and a secretary. The secretary was my responsible, she was very kind and the atmosphere was warm.
I used the computer a lot because I essentially took care with accounting.
I also have ordered invoices, created letters for the company if customers don’t pay their invoices and then I have showed how to use the software WORD.
I found this internship instructive because I found accounting was very hard but thanks to my work placement I understand better.
Those two work placements really pleased me. That’s why I would like to work in this branch later.

Texte bien compréhensible malgré les quelques maladresses !

Réponse: Rapport de stage/oral anglais BTS de priss08, postée le 27-05-2010 à 17:44:47 (S | E)
Merci pour votre aide je vais corriger ça.

Réponse: Rapport de stage/oral anglais BTS de notrepere, postée le 27-05-2010 à 18:41:28 (S | E)
Hello! Not much to add to Gerondif's excellent suggestions...

I carried out several tasks such as the welcome (welcoming) of the visitors[,] and the implementation of a procedure of recruitment.

And finally, I have [prétérit] realized (to create) tables with Excel in order to analyze the costs... has charged ....

I did my second work placement in Donchery in a home-made company specialized (specializing) in the plumbing and the heating ...

The company has [prétérit] a director and a secretary. The secretary was my responsible,[.] She was very kind and the atmosphere was warm.

I used ... took care with (of the) accounting.

I also have ordered (created?) invoices, created letters for the company if customers don’t [prétérit] pay their invoices and then I have showed (was shown) how to use the software WORD.
I found this internship instructive because I found accounting was very hard but thanks to my work placement I understand better.
Those two work placements really pleased me. That’s why; I would like to work in this branch later.

Réponse: Rapport de stage/oral anglais BTS de may, postée le 28-05-2010 à 03:16:39 (S | E)

Bonsoir priss08,

Juste quelques remarques:

I also have ordered invoices, created letters for the company if customers don’t pay their invoices and then I have showed how to use the software WORD.

We say take orders then make invoices . I guess what you want to say is

I have to follow up the invoices made from the customers'orders, created letters for the company when the customers have( unpaid/outstanding/past-due) invoices, and then I was shown how to use the Microsoft Word.

Hope this helps,


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