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Correction/ Oral d'anglais

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Correction/ Oral d'anglais
Message de elodie14 posté le 02-06-2010 à 11:11:04 (S | E | F)


Lundi, je passe mon oral d'anglais (BTS Blanc). J'ai de grosses difficultés en anglais (moyenne = 6)
Pouvez-vous m'aider et corriger mes fautes SVP s'il vous plaît?

Actually, I’m preparing a degree in a vocational training center located in Caen.
It consists in passing a graduation in management commerce and accountancy.
It is interesting because it is mixed (polyvalent)

In parallel, I work from a plant Renault Trucks which is a company specialized in trucks manufacturing as a secretary. It’s located in ....
I the plant, i work in body in the department body in white manufacturing.
My job consists in holding the administrative tasks of the center.
I manage the budget of orders office stationaries. I organize the deplacements, the meeting.
I don't of accountancy.

Voilà déjà une partie mais j'ai du mal.
Surtout pour décrire mes tâches.
Merci par avance

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-06-2010 08:25

Réponse: Correction/ Oral d'anglais de gerondif, postée le 02-06-2010 à 14:05:33 (S | E)
malgré la sévérité un peu déplacée d'Etis,dont le post vient d'être supprimé par le glaive acéré de Lucile, essayons de vous aider.

Attention aux traductions littérales qui ne veulent rien dire (traducteur ou ignorance ?)

Actually(At the moment), I’m preparing a degree in a vocational training center located in Caen.
It consists in passing a graduation in management commerce and accountancy.
It is interesting because it is varied mixed (polyvalent)

In parallel, I work as a secretary from for(pour) a Renault Trucks plant which is a company specialized in truck-manufacturing . It’s located in ....
In the plant, i work in body (aucun sens, à moins que vous n'ayez écrit encore en corps ou bien c'est la carosserie: the body department, la section carrosserie)=in the department body in white manufacturing.(la phrase n'a pas de sens la fabrique du blanc??)
My job consists in holding the administrative tasks(français traduit: to hold = tenir à la main.) of the center.
I manage the budget of orders of office stationaries(sent le français traduit). I organize the deplacements,(sent vraiment le français traduit) the meetings.
I don't of accountancy. (n'a aucun sens sauf si un traducteur mécanique a traduit: je ne fais pas de comptabilité)

Regardez en bas de la liste le rapport de stage de priss 08 (page 2),vous pouvez vous en inspirer un peu, piquer quelques tournures ....

Modifié par lucile83 le 02-06-2010 14:09
etis a reçu un mp pour cela + post supprimé.

Réponse: Correction/ Oral d'anglais de notrepere, postée le 03-06-2010 à 03:15:20 (S | E)
Hello, not to add any confusion, but I would have said "It consists OF" in the two places it occurs. Also, probably just my American English preference, but I would have said "At the same time" instead of "In parallel". What do you think, Gerondif?

Réponse: Correction/ Oral d'anglais de gerondif, postée le 03-06-2010 à 15:27:24 (S | E)
Hello notrepere

this is what the dictionary on line says:
consist in vtr (be part of) consister en vi+prép
consist of consister de v
consist of être constitué de comporter v

so I would have said "consist in" but in fact, it is translated French, it would be better to say: as far as my job is concerned, I had to do this or that// my job was to do this or that....

At the same time sounds good.

You know, it's a bit funny that we should debate between ourselves which correction is the best when we don't even know if our answers are read or useful and when fewer end fewer people show that they have read the answers or say thanks.


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