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Study abroad - student job

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Study abroad - student job
Message de pickels posté le 07-06-2010 à 17:14:36 (S | E | F)

Hey guys! Hello
Voilà, je dois faire 2 sujets libres au choix pour mon cours d'anglais, pouvez-vous regarder si vous voyez des fautes s'il vous plaît?
Thanks a lot !

1st subject: Study Abroad

The first subject that I have chosen is «study abroad» and the opportunities that such that kind of things can actually bring to us. In fact, there are a lot of advantages to study abroad but as well some desadvantages. The main advantage is the fact that you actually live in another country and that you have to adapt yourself and to manage to live by your own because you are in an uknown environnement. Other advantages is that you learn another languages, meet other cultures and I think that it is really important for us and our self esteem. The desadvantages are: home sickness, lots of stress and risks of non adaptation.

I am sure that you are wondering why I am speaking about this subject: it is simply because I think that it was a quiet good introduction for the ERASMUS PROGRAM. Erasmus was launched in 1987. The aim of the ERASMUS PROGRAM is to send people abroad while they are studying. The main advantage of this program is that it is quiet cheap because of the fact that the EUROPEAN COMMISSION gives grand to student who wants to participate to this program. 

2nd subject: "studentjob"

The second subject that I am going to speak is about «Studentjob». In some country as it is the case in Belgium, we have the opportunity to work during one month during summer time, of course you will have to be a student if you want to benefit from this opportunity. The main advantage of such a thing is that the government cut taxes and so it is advantageous for the employer who doens’t actually have to pay ONSS (taxes in belgium). Therefore company wants to find out students for a month. I think that this kind of law is something good, but I think that it is a shame that is actually only for a period of time of one month as a lot of students wants to work 2 months time. In my case, as I am normally going to Irland, it is a bit annoying that I can only work a month because I want to save some money as Irland is quiet expensive. The law doesn’t forbid students who wants to work 2 months, but the employer will have to pay taxes, so there are no employer who wants to hire students for 2 months.

But anyway, law is law, and I have one thing left to do which is to find out a job with a good pay !

Modifié par lucile83 le 07-06-2010 22:00

Réponse: Study abroad - student job de robertbrou, postée le 07-06-2010 à 18:14:34 (S | E)

1st subject: Study Abroad

The first subject that I have chosen is «Study Abroad» and the opportunities that such that kind of things can actually bring to us. In fact, there are a lot of advantages to study abroad but as well some desadvantages. The main advantage is the fact that you actually live in another country and that you have to adapt yourself and to manage to live by your own because you are in an unknown environnement. (trop de 'and') Other advantages is (accord sujet-verbe) that you learn another (accord adjectif-nom) languages, meet (we learn/experience cultures) other cultures and I think that it is really important for us and our self esteem. The desadvantages are: home sickness, lots of stress and risks of non adaptation.

I am sure that you are wondering why I am speaking about this subject: it is simply because I think that it was a quiet (orthographe) good introduction to for the Erasmus Program. Erasmus was launched in 1987. The aim of the Erasmus Program is to send people abroad while they are studying. The main advantage of this program is that it is quiet (orthographe) cheap because of the fact that the European Comission gives grand (1. orthographe 2. c'est une bourse ou des bourses en général?) to student (voir N°2 au mot précédent) who wants to participate to this program. 

2nd subject: "studentjob"

The second subject that I am going to speak is about «Studentjob». (Si le mot Studentjob existe tel quel, je laisserais. Autrement on met le premier lettre de chaque mot en majuscules: StudentJob) In some country ('some' indique pluriel) as it is the case in Belgium, we have the opportunity to work during one month during summer time. Of course you will have to be a student if you want to benefit from this opportunity. The main advantage of such a thing (utliser autre mot plus spécifique) is that the government cut (accord sujet-verbe) taxes and so it is advantageous for the employer who doesn’t actually have to pay ONSS (taxes in Belgium). Therefore company wants (refaire avec company au pluriel) to find out students for a month. I think that this kind of law is something good, but I think that it is a shame that is actually only for a period of time of one month (placement) as a lot of students wants (accord sujet-verbe) to work [manque préposition] 2 months time. In my case, as I am normally (Pas nécessairement incorrect à moins que ce soit une habitude. Sinon, choisir autre mot) going to Irland (orthographe), it is a bit annoying that I can only work a month because I want to save some money as Irland (idem) is quiet (orthographe) expensive. The law doesn’t forbid students who wants (accord sujet-verbe) to work [manque préposition] 2 months, but the employer will have to pay taxes, so there are no employers who wants (accord sujet-verbe) to hire students for 2 months.

Hope this helps

Modifié par robertbrou le 07-06-2010 18:15


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