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Exam anglais

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Exam anglais
Message de tigrech posté le 19-06-2010 à 10:31:52 (S | E | F)

Hellow/salut Hello/Bonjour tout le monde,

Lundi je passe mon oral en anglais. Pour ce faire j'ai préparé 2 textes que je vais réciter au professeur. Je suis venu poster un message sur le forum pour demander s'il y a bien des âmes bienveillantes pour m'aider à corriger ces textes qui m'ont l'air pour le moins pas parfaits ... Les 2 textes sont ci-dessous, le premier traite d'une participation à une foire commerciale et le deuxième d'un faux pas culturel.

1) Last week, I have manned the BIJ MOBILE at a trade fair for the fist time. I have presented all the new products of the company and I have gave explanations. The best thing is when people interested in the products. The worst of the things is when the children want to touch with the products. The main problem was the organization, this is difficult to manage all when there is much of anybody around the stand. This is a great responsibility. For the next fair, I have the intend to do of new products with the improvements.

2) I left on a week to Morocco and I ate with my left hand. Everyone looked at shocked. This was a cultural faux pas. You must use your right hand for eating in Islamic countries. The next time I will think of always using my right hand.

Merci de bien vouloir me répondre au plus vite car je dois les étudier à l'avance. Merci

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-06-2010 10:51
Pas d'urgence sur le site,merci.

Réponse: Exam anglais de bulsara_berte, postée le 19-06-2010 à 11:37:25 (S | E)

voici ce qu'il faut corriger:

1) Last week, I have manned (sens?) the BIJ MOBILE at a trade fair for the fist time. I have presented all the new products of the company and I have gave ( construction du present perfect à revoir) explanations. The best thing is when people interested (il manque un verbe) in the products. The worst of the things is when the children want to touch with the products. The main problem was the organization, this is difficult to manage all when there is much of anybody (sens?) around the stand. This is a great responsibility. For the next fair, I have the intend ( non, il faut passer par le verbe) to do of ( pourquoi une préposition) new products with the improvements.

) I left on a week to Morocco and I ate with my left hand. Everyone looked at (il manque quelque chose)shocked. This was a cultural faux pas. You must use your right hand for (expression du but/objectif à revoir) eating in Islamic countries. The (article inutile) next time I will think of always using my right hand

Voilà, j'ai peut être oublié quelque chose!

Je me permets une aparté, vous parlez de ' réciter votre texte'. Sachez que j'ai été membre de jury et il n'y a rien de plus énervant que quelqu'un qui récite son texte. Il s'agit d'un acte de communication et non de récitation. Je sais que l'examen est stressant et qu'on cherche à faire le maximum mais si votre anglais est bon (comme cela semble le cas ici), il ne faut pas oublier la manière de délivrer le message

J'espère ne pas être trop discourtois


Réponse: Exam anglais de tigrech, postée le 19-06-2010 à 11:39:42 (S | E)
Merci mais qu'est-ce que je pourrais mettre à la place de manned?

Réponse: Exam anglais de bulsara_berte, postée le 19-06-2010 à 13:13:12 (S | E)

le souci, c'est que je ne sais pas ce que vous voulez dire

Vous avez accès à un dictionnaire en ligne ( double click sur un mot de la page)

Réponse: Exam anglais de notrepere, postée le 20-06-2010 à 03:31:36 (S | E)

Je comprends complètement le sens de "manned".

22. to take one's place for service, as at a gun or post: to man the ramparts.
Lien Internet

Mais, en ce cas, on doit employer le préterit: Last week I manned ...

In fact, I would use the preterite instead of the present perfect throughout the whole text. It would make more sense.

I presented...
I gave...
...when people were interested...
The best thing was when...
The worst of things = The worst thing was when...
touch with the products = touch the products

There are other problems with your text, but you should fix the problems already indicated first.

Réponse: Exam anglais de may, postée le 21-06-2010 à 02:00:34 (S | E)

Quelques remarques:

I left on ( autre préposition ) a week to Morocco and I ate with my left hand. Everyone looked at ( whom , et une préposition ) shocked. This was a cultural faux pas...

Bonne nuit,

Réponse: Exam anglais de baja, postée le 21-06-2010 à 06:19:38 (S | E)
1) Last week, I manned the BIJ MOBILE (stall?) at a trade fair for the first time. I presented all the new products of the company and I gave explanations (about them). The best thing was when people were interested in the products. The worst thing was when children wanted to touch the products. The main problem was the organization, it- is difficult to manage it all when (there is much of anybody (sens?) around the stand) -there are so many people walking past the stand-. There is a great responsibility (on your shoulders?). For the next fair, I have the intention to do of new products with the improvements (maybe intention to show some new and improved products).
(I have given not I have gave)

) I left on a week to Morocco and I ate with my left hand. Everyone looked at (il manque quelque chose)shocked. This was a cultural faux pas. You must use your right hand for (expression du but/objectif à revoir) eating in Islamic countries. The (article inutile) next time I will think of always using my right hand
I went for a week to Morocco and I ate with my left hand. Everyone looked at me with shock. It was a cultural faux pas. You must use your right hand when eating in Islamic countries. The next time I’m there I will always use my right hand

Modifié par baja le 21-06-2010 06:20

Réponse: Exam anglais de notrepere, postée le 21-06-2010 à 06:48:49 (S | E)
Hello! Bon travail...

1) Last week, I manned the BIJ MOBILE stand at a trade fair for the first time. I presented all the new products of the company and I gave explanations about them (or I demonstrated them). The best thing was when people were interested in the products. The worst thing was when children wanted to touch the products. The main problem was the organization. It is (was) difficult to manage it all when there are (were) so many people walking past the stand. There is (was) a great responsibility on my shoulders. For the next fair, I have the intention (intend) to show some new and improved products.

I went for a week to Morocco (Better: I went to Morocco for a week) and I ate with my left hand. Everyone looked at me with shock [More natural: Everyone had a look of shock on their faces]. It was a cultural faux pas. You must use your right hand when eating in Islamic countries. The next time I’m there I will always use my right hand.

Bleu = suggestions
Rouge = corrections

Voyez? Pas beaucoup de fautes!

Modifié par notrepere le 21-06-2010 15:05


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