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English Grammar! Help me please

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English Grammar! Help me please
Message de xuanho posté le 22-06-2010 à 11:51:57 (S | E | F)

Hello everybody ,
I’ve a I am having trouble doing my English grammar exercises as follows:

1. Snare drums produce a sharpe, rattling sound ……..
A, as striking
B, when are struck
C, struck
D, when struck

I chose C because the phrase is on the passive form.

2. …….....who made Thanksgiving an official holiday in the United States.
A, Abraham Lincoln
B, He was Abraham Lincoln
C, Abraham Lincoln was
D. It was Abraham Lincoln

I chose B. However, my professor said to me D. I don’t understand why it is. Perhaps, that is a emphasized structure, isn’t it ?

3, the higher ……...octane number of gasoline, the less knocking occurs in the engine as the fuel is burned.
A, some
B, the
C, is
D, than

I chose C beacause of the inversion of structure.

3. The spores of ferns are almost microscopic and are far simpler than ……. in structure.
A, that of seeds
B, so are seeds
C seeds do
D, seeds

I chose A because “that of seeds” means “the spores of seeds”

Thank you for your attention

Modifié par lucile83 le 22-06-2010 16:37

Réponse: English Grammar! Help me please de ariette, postée le 22-06-2010 à 12:40:52 (S | E)
1. Snare drums produce a sharp, rattling sound ……..
A, as striking
B, when are struck
C, struck
D, when struck

I chose C because the phrase is on the passive form.wrong

2. …….....who made Thanksgiving an official holiday in the United States.
A, Abraham Lincoln
B, He was Abraham Lincoln
C, Abraham Lincoln was
D. It was Abraham Lincoln

I chose B. However, my professor said to me D. I don’t understand why it is. Perhaps, that is a emphasized structure, isn’t it ?wrong

3, the higher ……...octane number of gasoline, the less knocking occurs in the engine as the fuel is burned.
A, some
B, the
C, is
D, than

I chose C beacause of the inversion of structure.wrong

3. The spores of ferns are almost microscopic and are far simpler than ……. in structure.
A, that of seeds
B, so are seeds
C seeds do
D, seeds

I chose A because “that of seeds” means “the spores of seeds” plural ?

Réponse: English Grammar! Help me please de gerondif, postée le 22-06-2010 à 18:16:53 (S | E)
1. Snare drums produce a sharpe, rattling sound ……..
A, as striking
B, when are struck
C, struck
D, when struck

I chose C wrong, but keep looking for a passive voice !!

2. …….....who made Thanksgiving an official holiday in the United States.
A, Abraham Lincoln
B, He was Abraham Lincoln
C, Abraham Lincoln was
D. It was Abraham Lincoln

I chose B. However, my professor said to me D. D is right:"he was" would mean: his name was , whereas it was means that you indicate the right choice.

3, the higher ……...octane number of gasoline, the less knocking occurs in the engine as the fuel is burned.
A, some
B, the
C, is
D, than

I chose C beacause of the inversion of structure. wrong. compare with:
the higher the cost, the less buyers we have.

3. The spores of ferns are almost microscopic and are far simpler than ……. in structure.
A, that of seeds
B, so are seeds
C seeds do
D, seeds

I chose A because “that of seeds” means “the spores of seeds” but in that case, it should be "those of seeds" in the plural, so by elimination, only one simple choice remains possible.

Réponse: English Grammar! Help me please de notrepere, postée le 22-06-2010 à 18:35:48 (S | E)

#2 C'était Abraham Lincoln qui ... (it's the same in French)

Modifié par notrepere le 22-06-2010 18:36
Thanks Gerondif!

Réponse: English Grammar! Help me please de may, postée le 23-06-2010 à 03:58:32 (S | E)

Quelques remarques à ajouter:

2. …….....who made Thanksgiving an official holiday in the United States.
A, Abraham Lincoln
B, He was Abraham Lincoln
C, Abraham Lincoln was
D. It was Abraham Lincoln

I chose B. However, my professor said to me D. I don’t understand why it is. Perhaps, that is a emphasized structure, isn’t it ?

Here, we separate into two sentences:

B is not the right choice

- He was Abraham Lincoln
- He made Thanksgiving an official holiday in the United States.

Then, it's supposed to be as:

He who made Thanksgiving an official holiday in the United states was
Abraham Lincoln.

D, as the correct answer

-It was Abraham Lincoln.
-He made Thanksgiving an official holiday in the United States.
(then How do you combine them into one)

3, the higher ……...octane number of gasoline, the less knocking occurs in the engine as the fuel is burned.
A, some
B, the
C, is
D, than

I chose C beacause of the inversion of structure

You would need a definite article... (gerondif gave you a hint, then I give you more hint )

Good night,

Modifié par may le 23-06-2010 04:25


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