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Have not and do not have

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Have not and do not have
Message de halimo posté le 22-09-2010 à 15:39:19 (S | E | F)
would you please show me the difference between these two phrases below:

I have not a problem.
I do not have a problem.

thank you.

Réponse: Have not and do not have de headway, postée le 22-09-2010 à 15:59:28 (S | E)

I have no problem.

I don't have any problem.


Réponse: Have not and do not have de gerondif, postée le 22-09-2010 à 17:03:03 (S | E)

A normal lexical verb will need an auxiliary to be conjugated:

I play tennis. Do you play tennis ? Yes, I do, Yes, I play tennis.
No, I don't, No, I don't play tennis.

The lexical verb "to have" obeys the same rules.

I have a cat, I don't have a dog .
Do you have a car ?
Yes, I do, yes, I have one.
No, I don't. No,I don't have one.

You can't put "not" behind a lexical verb but only behind an auxiliary verb.

He isn't working,he can't work,he won't work,he shouldn't work etc...

You can't say:I have not a problem.

famous exception: Kennedy's inaugural speech : (instead of don't ask) ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

You could have said: I have not a problem but two !

In colloquial terms, "do" is the only guy strong enough to handle the "not" in a negative form at the present tense!

Réponse: Have not and do not have de halimo, postée le 22-09-2010 à 17:57:59 (S | E)
thank you very much for this explanation.

Réponse: Have not and do not have de halimo, postée le 22-09-2010 à 18:02:52 (S | E)
Please but if we add to have not the verb "got" is this correct:
I haven't got a problem today.

Réponse: Have not and do not have de brettdallen, postée le 22-09-2010 à 20:23:10 (S | E)
Instead of saying "I don't have", you can say "I haven't got", sure, but you've got to pay attention to the fact that the second "have" is an auxiliary(a grammatical term that can "handle" the negative part, the tense and the person) whereas the other is a real verb(that needs an auxiliary, here : "do"). Some people say you can use one or the other without altering the meaning, I don't (totally) agree with that. "Have + got" is present perfect and it implies quite a lot of things !
Hope I've helped !

Réponse: Have not and do not have de may, postée le 23-09-2010 à 03:48:11 (S | E)
Bonsoir halimo,

Exactly, the problem you have had is the distinction between the main and auxiliary verb.

Let me add something to the explanation of gerondif and brettdallen, par exemple:

- I don't have any problem today. (Have is the main verb, auxiliary Do. The sentence is in present tense).

- I didn't have any problem today (or yesterday, that depends on when it happened). (Have is the main verb, auxiliary Do. The sentence is in past tense).

- I haven't got any problem today. (Get is the main verb, Have is auxiliary, the sentence is in present perfect tense).

However, at any time you can say I haven't had any problem. (Have is main and also auxiliary verb. The sentence is in present perfect tense).

Also, the meaning of each sentence is different regarding the choice of tenses.

Hope it will be clear for you,

Réponse: Have not and do not have de halimo, postée le 23-09-2010 à 11:45:05 (S | E)
ok it's clear
thank you very much for your help.


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