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Correction texte en anglais

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Correction texte en anglais
Message de arsenik259 posté le 23-11-2010 à 17:58:17 (S | E | F)
Pour un cours je dois écrire un petit texte en anglais. Est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait m'aider en corrigeant à corriger mes erreurs? Merci de votre aide.

How to decrypt emotion, it’s a question which Rana El Kaliouby, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, try to answer with her new device, the « emotional social intelligence prosthetic ».
Many person suffer from autism, specially in their social relation, and need help. With the El Kaliouby’s invention, they can be alert when their listener is bored.
This tool is composed of three parts which are a camera, a computer and a hand-held computer. The first is situated on the glasses, it must be as small as possible to not embarass the user and it’s used to record and to send the image of the listener. The second part recognise the emotion in analyze the different part of the face and associate its with an emotion. It can be basic emotional but with the last version, it can detect the higher level of emotion.Then, the last but not least, the hand-held computer. His function is to vibrate when the computer detect that the listener is bored or confused.
Advanced Technology can be useful, but there are many progresses to do. For example, the software gets right in 90% of the time with actors but with normal person it’s just 64%. To finish, I want to quote Philippe Meyer, “The progress is still progress to do.”
Modifié par bridg le 23-11-2010 18:22

Réponse: Correction texte en anglais de laure95, postée le 23-11-2010 à 18:29:07 (S | E)
Voici ce que tu dois corriger:
How to decrypt emotion, it’s (IS a déjà un sujet donc ne mets pas IT) a question (which) Rana El Kaliouby, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, try (3è personne du singulier) to answer with her new device, the « emotional social intelligence prosthetic ».
Many person (MANY + PLURIEL) suffer from autism, specially (orthographe) in their social relation, and need help. With the El Kaliouby’s invention, they can be alert (participe passé) when their listener is bored.
This tool is composed of three parts which are a camera, a computer and a hand-held computer. The first is situated on the glasses, it must be as small as possible to not (inverser les 2 mots) embarass the user and it’s used to record and to send the image of the listener. The second part recognise (3è personne du singulier) the emotion in analyze (à mettre en -ing) the different part (pluriel) of the face and associate its ? with an emotion. It can be basic emotional but with the last version, it can detect the higher level of emotion.Then, the last but not the least, the hand-held computer. His (ce n'est pas une personne) function is to vibrate when the computer detect (3è personne du singulier) that the listener is bored or confused.
Advanced Technology can be useful, but there are (is) many progresses (much progress) to do. For example, the software gets right in 90% of the time with actors but with a normal person it’s just 64%. To finish, I want to quote Philippe Meyer, “The progress is still progress to do.”

Attention! Tu conjugues un verbe au présent de la même façon à toutes les personnes.

Réponse: Correction texte en anglais de arsenik259, postée le 25-11-2010 à 11:20:13 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup!!


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