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Marées noires / Correction

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Marées noires / Correction
Message de croc posté le 10-02-2011 à 17:22:46 (S | E | F)

J'aurais besoin de votre aidre pour corriger ce texte. Il traite de la comparaison entre la catastrophe de deep water au golfe du Mexique et les marées noires du golfe du Niger. Ce n'est qu'une partie d'un exposé, ne vous étonnez donc pas s'il n' y a pas d'introduction ni de conclusion. Pour vous aider, quand j'ai eu des doutes sur la formulation j'ai mis en français ce que je voulais mettre avant.
Merci d'avance !

Last April the oil rig Deepwater Horizon of BP sank into the Gulf of Mexico. This disaster caused headlines around the world. To repair its twist, BP paid more than 40 billion dollars to cover the damages in the Gulf of Mexico without neither judicial penalty is taken. (= sans qu'aucune sanctions judicaires soient prises)
Eleven days after the disaster in United States, a ruptured ExxonMobil pipeline in Nigeria spilled more than 4 million litters into the delta over seven days before the leak was stopped.
Community leaders are now demanding 1 billion dollars in compensation for the illness and loss of livelihood they suffered.
But there is no chance that the pursuits succeed and Exxonn pays the slightest dollar. (= Il n'y a pas de chance que les poursuites aboutissent et qu'Exxon paye le moindre dollar)
The Nigerian population finds incredible the efforts deployed by BP and the American authorities to seal the breach in the Gulf of Mexico and protect the coast of the Louisiana against the pollution while nothing is made at home since 50 years.
Indeed there are officially more 7,000 oil spills between 1970 and 2000.
Although it is impossible to measure the quantity of oil spread in the delta of Niger every year: the government watches not to reveal the information. In 2009 Amnesty calculated that the equivalent of at least 9m barrels of oil was spilled.
As comparison we consider that 4.9 million barrels poured in the golf of Mexico further to Deepwater Horizon (= A titre de comparaison on estime que 4.9 millions de barils se sont déversés dans le golf du Mexique suite à Deepwater Horizon)

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-02-2011 19:09

On joue au golf; on navigue dans le Golfe du Mexique.

Réponse: Marées noires / Correction de notrepere, postée le 10-02-2011 à 17:49:09 (S | E)
Last April, the oil rig Deepwater Horizon of BP [l'ordre des mots n'est pas idéal: BP's Deepwater Horizon oil rig] sank into the Gulf of Mexico. This disaster caused headlines around the world. To repair its twist [ne veut rien dire], BP paid more than 40 billion dollars to cover the damages in the Gulf of Mexico without neither [aucune = any] judicial penalty [sanctions, un mot singulier ou pluriel?] [is] being taken. (= sans qu'aucune sanctions judicaires soient prises)
Eleven days after the disaster in United States, a ruptured ExxonMobil pipeline in Nigeria [mal placé] spilled more than 4 million litters into the Nigerian delta over seven days before the leak was stopped.
Community leaders are now demanding 1 billion dollars in compensation for the illness and loss of livelihood they suffered.
But there is no chance that their pursuits will succeed and that Exxonn will pays the slightest dollar. (= Il n'y a pas de chance que les poursuites aboutissent et qu'Exxon paye le moindre dollar)

The Nigerian population finds incredible [mal placé] the efforts deployed by BP and the American authorities to seal the breach in the Gulf of Mexico and protect the coast of [the] Louisiana against the pollution incredible, while nothing is has been made [faire? to do/to make; en ce case 'to do' participle passé] at home since [since avant une date particulière: for] 50 years.
Indeed there are [present perfect] officially more than7,000 oil spills between 1970 and 2000.
Although it is impossible to measure the quantity of oil spread in the delta of Niger [voyez au-dessus] every year: the government watches not to reveal the information. In 2009, Amnesty calculated that the equivalent of at least 9m barrels of oil was spilled.
As a comparison, we consider [mauvaise traduction du verbe 'estimer'] that 4.9 million barrels poured in to the golf of Mexico further to Deepwater Horizon (= A titre de comparaison on estime que 4.9 millions de barils se sont déversés dans le golf du Mexique suite à Deepwater Horizon)

Modifié par notrepere le 10-02-2011 22:29

Réponse: Marées noires / Correction de croc, postée le 13-02-2011 à 20:47:53 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide!


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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