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Essai d'anglais

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Essai d'anglais
Message de anna posté le 17-02-2011 à 18:10:22 (S | E | F)
j'ai un essai à réaliser en anglais, pourriez-vous m'indiquer mes erreurs s'il vous plait ?
Bon courage et merci.

Is it indispensable to master a language to communicate ? how important is speaking foreign languages to you ?

Despite the fact that verbal communication is the most widespread there are other ways to communicate, for instance sign language.
Moreover, every country has its own language and it can be difficult for foreigners to communicate or to be understood. But there are always solutions, and if the two persons make an effort it’s possible to communicate using the hands or pictures.
It’s also possible to meet a bilingual who can help us, indeed it’s easier to communicate with someone who speaks both languages. So it’s possible to finds solutions, thanks to various means, but for really communicating with the person in front of us, to control languages is essential.
To travel it’s necessary to have a minimum of vocabulary : it’s necessary to be able to ask food, a place to sleep, directions…
If one is opposite a person not understanding our language, the discussion will remain very basic, there will not be a true exchange, it will not be a true communication with ideas, the possibility of arguing… We can’t really say that is essential to have a command of a language to communicate but it’s obviously easier.

According to me, in the context of globalization, it’s essential to master foreign languages. We should understand how crucial the language skills really are. Besides the globalization and economic point of view, language skills help us to communicate to different cultures and illustrate our thoughts.
Talking to someone in his native language, whether it’s in a business environment or even while travelling opens up the person in front of you and gives you an advantage in dealing with that person.
Knowing the language is a very important factor in understanding the cultural background of the people who use that language, and it can give birth to a new friendship.

In my opinion studying several foreign languages is very important to embrace other cultures and open oneself up to other customs.

Modifié par lucile83 le 17-02-2011 18:11

Réponse: Essai d'anglais de laure95, postée le 18-02-2011 à 17:43:48 (S | E)
Votre essai est excellent. Voici donc juste quelques petits détails à corriger (puisque vous le demandez):
Is it indispensable to master a language to communicate ? how important is speaking foreign languages to you ?

Despite the fact that verbal (or oral)communication is the most widespread there are other ways to communicate, for instance by sign language.
Moreover, every country has its own language and it can be difficult for foreigners to communicate or to be understood. But there are always solutions, and if the two persons (people est plus courant) make an effort it’s possible to communicate using the hands or pictures.
It’s also possible to meet a bilingual (ajouter person car bilingual est un adjectif) who can help us, (mettre un point) indeed it’s easier to communicate with someone who speaks both languages. So it’s possible to finds (pourquoi un "s"?) solutions, thanks to various means, but for really communicating (pour + verbe: TO + INFINITIF) with the person in front of us, to control? languages is essential.
To travel it (TO TRAVEL est déjà le sujet de IS)’s necessary to have a minimum of vocabulary : it’s necessary to be able to ask for food, a place to sleep, directions…
If one is opposite a person not understanding our language, the discussion will remain very basic, there will not be a true exchange, it will not be a true communication with ideas, the possibility of arguing… We can’t really say that is essential to have a command of a language to communicate but it’s obviously easier.

According to me, in the context of globalization, it’s essential to master foreign languages. We should understand how crucial the language skills really are. Besides the globalization and economic point of view, language skills help us to communicate to (pas la bonne préposition) different cultures and illustrate our thoughts.
Talking to someone in his native language, whether it’s in a business environment or even while travelling opens up the person in front of you and gives you an advantage in dealing with that person.
Knowing the language is a very important factor in understanding the cultural background of the people who use that language, and it can give birth to a new friendship.

In my opinion studying several foreign languages is very important to embrace other cultures and open oneself up to other customs.

Réponse: Essai d'anglais de gerondif, postée le 18-02-2011 à 18:21:30 (S | E)
Hello, Laure 95

On peut en effet mettre un infinitif comme sujet de is:
To travel is necessary to have a minimum of vocabulary .

Mais cette construction sonne bizarre à mon oreille, pseudo oblige:

J'aurais plutôt mis un gérondif, évidemment !
Travelling is necessary to have a minimum of vocabulary.
Travelling makes it necessary to have (to master) a minimum of vocabulary.
You must(should/had better) master a minimum of vocabulary if you want to travel.

Tout dépend de la façon dont on comprend la phrase. Par exemple, avec une virgule:

To travel, it’s necessary to have a minimum of vocabulary.
Pour voyager, il est necessaire d'avoir un minimum de vocabulaire.

Réponse: Essai d'anglais de anna, postée le 18-02-2011 à 19:26:38 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup à vous pour votre aide, voilà ce que ça donne:

Despite the fact that verbal communication is the most widespread there are other ways to communicate, for instance by sign language.
Moreover, every country has its own language and it can be difficult for foreigners to communicate or to be understood. But there are always solutions, and if the two persons make an effort it’s possible to communicate using the hands or pictures.
It’s also possible to meet a bilingual person who can help us. Indeed it’s easier to communicate with someone who speaks both languages. So it’s possible to find solutions, thanks to various means, but to really communicate with the person in front of us, to master languages is essential.
To travel, it’s necessary to have a minimum of vocabulary : it’s necessary to be able to ask for food, a place to sleep, directions…
If one ( ??????????? ) is opposite a person not understanding our language, the discussion will remain very basic, there will not be a true exchange, it will not be a true communication with ideas, the possibility of arguing… We can’t really say that is essential to have a command of a language to communicate but it’s obviously easier.

According to me, in the context of globalization, it’s essential to master foreign languages. We should understand how crucial the language skills really are. Besides the globalization and economic point of view, language skills help us to communicate to ( with ??? ) different cultures and illustrate our thoughts.
Talking to someone in his native language, whether it’s in a business environment or even while travelling opens up the person in front of you and gives you an advantage in dealing with that person.
Knowing the language is a very important factor in understanding the cultural background of the people who use that language, and it can give birth to a new friendship.

Merci encore
In my opinion studying several foreign languages is very important to embrace other cultures and open oneself up to other customs.

Réponse: Essai d'anglais de gerondif, postée le 18-02-2011 à 20:00:49 (S | E)
Despite the fact that verbal communication is the most widespread there are other ways to communicate, for instance by sign language.
Moreover, every country has its own language and it can be difficult for foreigners to communicate or to be understood. But there are always solutions, and if the two persons make an effort it’s possible to communicate using your the hands or pictures.
It’s also possible to meet a bilingual person who can help us. Indeed it’s easier to communicate with someone who speaks both languages. So it’s possible to find solutions, thanks to various means, but to really communicate with the person in front of us, to master (ou gérondif) languages is essential.
To travel, it’s necessary to have a minimum of vocabulary : it’s necessary to be able to ask for food, a place to sleep, directions…
If one ( au sens de "on", "you" serait plus courant ) is opposite a person not understanding our language, the discussion will remain very basic, there will not be a true exchange, it will not be a true communication with ideas, the possibility of arguing… We can’t really say that it is essential to have a command of a language to communicate but it’s obviously easier.

According to me, in the context of globalization, it’s essential to master foreign languages. We should understand how crucial the language skills really are. Besides the globalization and economic point of view, language skills help us to communicate with different cultures and illustrate our thoughts.
Talking to someone in his native language, whether it’s in a business environment or even while travelling opens up the person in front of you and gives you an advantage in dealing with that person.
Knowing (since: puisque)the language is a very important factor in understanding the cultural background of the people who use that language, and it can give birth to a new friendship. (où est la principale dans cette phrase (à cause du and)?)

Merci encore
In my opinion studying several foreign languages is very important to embrace other cultures and open oneself up to other customs.

Réponse: Essai d'anglais de notrepere, postée le 19-02-2011 à 01:57:52 (S | E)

Knowing the language is a very important factor in understanding the cultural background of the people who use that language, and it can give birth to a new friendship.

A mon avis, cette phrase a du sens et elle est juste.

If you use "Since", it completely changes the meaning and structural requirements of the sentence.

Réponse: Essai d'anglais de cchat, postée le 19-02-2011 à 10:38:38 (S | E)

According to me, in the context of globalization, it’s essential to master foreign languages.

In the context of globalization, I think that it’s essential to master foreign languages.

'According to' is "used for saying where information or ideas have come from."
"According to Freud, our dreams represent our hidden desires." (Macmillan dictionary)
It cannot be used to give your own opinion, only to quote a reference.

Instead, you can say 'In my opinion', 'I think', or 'It seems to me that'.


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