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Corrigé d 'une lettre

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Corrigé d 'une lettre
Message de toxictears18 posté le 08-03-2011 à 00:18:03 (S | E | F)
j'aimerais savoir s'il y a une quelconque faute dans ma lettre;
merci d'avance.

Sorry to disturb you even during holidays....but
I have a tricky question (as usual) about the three course meal.
I've been trying to figure out this enigma for 2 hours , I've been collecting some tracks and clues,taking advantages of my knowledge. And I hope I m not on the wrong track.
But I prefer asking you, before talking nonsense.

Let me tell you that there are many hypothesis about it.
First of all.
1 ) It is said that

The Muslim world has given us many innovations such as the three course meal which was introduced by Ali ibn Nafi,
( 789– 857)

"And prior to his arrival in Andalusia in 822, there had been no style in food presentation "

So he introduced the three course meal in Andalusia in 822

But it is a controversial topic and it might be wrong because

2) It is said that the Romans introduced the three-course meal when they invaded England.
(43 Anno-Domini)

I think it is right, and I would choose this one,

And to complicate matters there's something new...

3 ) The "Service à la Russe " was introduced into England around 1850 from Russia via France,
It led to the three course meal of today.

So...Even if I think the three course meal was not introduced by a muslim.

But Between the Romans and the Russian service, I cannot choose.

So I've ventured the hypothesis that the probable answer could be :

The romans introduced the three course meal then was The medieval period

and It began with the fall of the Roman Empire
And we know that The early Middle Ages are called the "Dark Ages" because the learning and culture of ancient Greece and Rome almost disappeared.

Because of the Germanic tribes that conquered England,

And Compared to the citizenry of Ancient Rome, most Germans were uneducated, so that's why many Roman common practises disappeared.

So Medieval times were a crossover between the Roman culture and the Germanic one.

Then by the medieval times, most of people,became poor peasants,they worked hard the land so they couldn't afford three meal courses anymore

They ate a "ploughman's lunch"
It was eaten in the fields where the peasant was working.
He would have dark bread and cheese.

But a lord would have a three course meal.
So only rich people could afford it.
and by the 1850 's the three crouse meal was re -introduced by the russian service.
so here are my hypothesis ,I'd like your point of view,if you don't mind.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you
see you later

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-03-2011 08:09

Réponse: Corrigé d 'une lettre de notrepere, postée le 08-03-2011 à 05:52:05 (S | E)

Votre texte est un peu décousu.

Sorry to disturb you even during holidays....but I have a tricky question (as usual) about the three course (1) meal.
I've been trying to figure out this enigma for 2 hours, (2) I've been collecting some tracks (3) and clues, taking advantages (4) of my knowledge. And I hope I'm not on the wrong track.

But I prefer asking (5) you, before (6) talking (7) nonsense.

Let me tell you that there are many hypothesis (8) about it.

First of all, (9) it is said that the Muslim world has given us many innovations such as the three course (1) meal which was introduced by Ali ibn Nafi (789-857).

"And prior to his arrival in Andalusia in 822, there had been no style in food presentation "

So he introduced the three course (1) meal in Andalusia in 822. (10)

But it is a controversial topic (10b) and it might be wrong because it is also said that the Romans introduced the three-course meal when they invaded England in 43 Anno-Domini.

I think it is right, and I would choose this one,

And to complicate matters there's something new...

3 ) The "Service à la Russe " was introduced into England around 1850 from Russia via France,
It led to the three course (1) meal of today.

So...Even if I think the three course meal was not introduced by a muslim.

But Between the Romans and the Russian service, I cannot choose.

So I've ventured the hypothesis that the probable answer could be :

The romans introduced the three course meal then was The medieval period (13) and It began with the fall of the Roman Empire.
And we know that The early Middle Ages are called the "Dark Ages" because the learning and culture of ancient Greece and Rome almost disappeared. Because of the Germanic tribes that conquered England, and compared to the citizenry of Ancient Rome, most Germans were uneducated, so that's why many Roman common practises disappeared.
So Medieval times were a crossover between the Roman culture and the Germanic one. (14)

Then by the medieval times, most of people,became poor peasants,they worked hard the land so they couldn't afford three meal courses anymore

They ate a "ploughman's lunch" which was eaten in the fields where the peasant was working.
He would have dark bread and cheese. But a lord would have a three course meal. So only rich people could afford it.

(1) Un tiret ou pas ?
(2) Il faut une conjonction
(3) Il ne va pas
(4) mot invariable dans le contexte
(5) A mon avis, le gérondif ne va pas; il faut to + l'infinitif
(6) so that
(7) subject + verbe négatif ?
(8) hypothesis = singulier; Quelle est la forme du pluriel ?
(9) Je suggère de mettre votre texte en prose.
(10) Où est la preuve?
(10b) Est-ce le sujet ou l'opinion qui sont discutables
(11) Phrase à refaire
(12) Cette idée est incomplète
(13) Ces mots ne vont pas et l'idée est malformée
(14) Qu'est-ce que ces idées ajoutent à votre opinion ?



Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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