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Lettre/My holidays

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Lettre/My holidays
Message de celenia69 posté le 07-05-2011 à 17:31:47 (S | E | F)

Je dois écrire une lettre en Anglais sur ce que j'ai fait pendant les vacances, la voici.
Pourriez-vous m'aider à la corriger s'il vous plaît?

Dear Victoria,
I hope you’re well.
What have you done during Easter’s holidays?
I stayed ten days next to Valence at my grand-mother’s house. It was a bit boring because I had not met my friends. So I surfed on the Internet, I watched TV, I read and I did my homework.
On Wednesday my father took me back home.
Thursday was the best day. At 1.30 pm, I went to Gerland with Sara and we have done roller.
Then we went to the cinema to watch “De l’eau pour les éléphants” it is a very good movie and we came back home.
But we have had some event because we have not taken the good bus in Perrache, it was in the other direction!!
It is too bad that you couldn’t come in my place on Friday to revise our Physics and Chemistry’s test.
I have lots of things to tell you again. See you Monday
All the best,

Merci pour vos réponses.

Modifié par lucile83 le 07-05-2011 17:54

Réponse: Lettre/My holidays de may, postée le 08-05-2011 à 02:42:12 (S | E)

Dear Victoria,
I hope you’re well.
What have you done/past tense during Easter ’s holidays?
I stayed/past continuous....préposition ten days next to Valence at my grand-mother’s/grandmother without hyphen house. It was a bit boring because I had not met/past tense my friends. So I surfed on the Internet, I watched TV, I read books and I did my homework.
On Wednesday my father came to bring me (back) home (took me back home).
Thursday was the best day. At 1.30 pm (no space avant pm), I went to Gerland with Sara and we have done/past tense roller.
Then we went to the cinema to watch “De l’eau pour les éléphants” (it) which is a very good movie (and) then we came back home.
But we have had some event because we have not taken the good bus in Perrache, it was in the other direction!! maladresse/rephrase (We took the wrong bus which was.....)
It is/past tense too bad that you couldn’t come in/autre prép. my place on Friday to revise our Physics and Chemistry ’s test.
I still have lots of things to tell you (again). See you Monday.
All the best,

(....) to be omitted

Réponse: Lettre/My holidays de celenia69, postée le 08-05-2011 à 11:32:49 (S | E)
merci voici la correction est ce juste?

Dear Victoria,
I hope you’re well.
What did you do during Easter holidays?
I was staying during ten days next to Valence at my grand-mother house. It was a bit boring because I didn’t met my friends. So I surfed on the Internet, I watched TV, I read books and I did my homework.
On Wednesday my father came to bring me back home.
Thursday was the best day. At 1.30pm, I went to Gerland with Sara and we did roller.
Then we went to the cinema to watch “De l’eau pour les éléphants” wich is a very good movie then we came back home.
But we had some event because we took the wrong bus which was in the other direction!!
It was too bad that you couldn’t come to my place on Friday to revise our Physics and Chemistry test.
I still have lots of things to tell you. See you Monday
All the best,

Réponse: Lettre/My holidays de celenia69, postée le 08-05-2011 à 11:35:14 (S | E)
oups j'ai fait quelques fautes!!
Dear Victoria,
I hope you’re well.
What did you do during Easter holidays?
I was staying during ten days next to Valence at my grand-mother house. It was a bit boring because I didn’t meet my friends. So I surfed on the Internet, I watched TV, I read books and I did my homework.
On Wednesday my father came to bring me back home.
Thursday was the best day. At 1.30pm, I went to Gerland with Sara and we did roller.
Then we went to the cinema to watch “De l’eau pour les éléphants” which is a very good movie then we came back home.
But we had some event because we took the wrong bus which was in the other direction!!
It was too bad that you couldn’t come to my place on Friday to revise our Physics and Chemistry test.
I still have lots of things to tell you. See you Monday
All the best,

Réponse: Lettre/My holidays de missaurelle, postée le 08-05-2011 à 15:06:02 (S | E)
"my grand-mother" : an hyphen >> un tiret, en anglais, les deux mots sont collés, mais il faut que tu laisses le cas possessif
"It was a bit boring because I didn’t meet my friends. So I surfed on the Internet" : on ne commence pas une phrase par 'so', tout comme en français on ne commence pas une phrase par 'donc'. Il faut que la cause et la conséquence soient dans la même phrase.

"Then we went to the cinema to watch “De l’eau pour les éléphants” which is a very good movie and then we came back home." : Je mettrais bien un 'and', je ne sais pas s'il est nécessaire, mais je trouve que c'est plus logique ainsi.


Modifié par lucile83 le 08-05-2011 15:08


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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