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Review/The King's speech

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Review/The King's speech
Message de marj0h posté le 11-05-2011 à 21:30:56 (S | E | F)

Nous venons d'aller voir le film the King's speech au cinéma en VOSTF avec le lycée et le travail qu'on me propose est le suivant :
Write a film review of the film the King's speech.
Voici ce que j'ai fait. Quelqu'un pourrait-il prendre quelques minutes pour le lire et m'aider à corriger mes fautes?
Merci d'avance.

I went to the cinema reluctantly. Indeed I knew the film had won some awards but the subject was not supposed to interest me even if I am fond of historical films. But in fact, I enjoy it.
Albert Frederick Arthur, as the second son of King George V, was not expected to inherit the throne and lived in the shadow of his elder brother, David who became King Edward VIII before adbicating out of love of an American divorced twice, Wallis Simpson. Albert replaced him and was crowned King George VI of England. But he suffered from a speech impediment since he was young. We can see in this film his rage to escape of it. Since he delivered his first speech during the Imperial exhibition, he was ashamed and tried to find a solution to stop stammering, he was so desperate that he inserted marbles in his mouth.. but no result. As he said, he was the nation's voice that's why he was lost. Nevertheless, he met Logue, a sort of speech therapist with unconventional, unorthodox and controversial methods. He helped the King who could deliver a radio-address that galvanized his peoples to unite in battle against Nazi Germany led by Hitler.
First, I enjoy the fact it is a true story, then the cast is good : the leading role played by C. Firth is affected, I knew him in Love Actually, her discrete woman Elizabeth played by H. Bonham Carter (already seen in Harry Potter and the deathly hallows) and the supporting role played by G. Rush, that I knew in Pirates of the Caribbean the Curse of the Black Pearl and soon in the last : On stranger tides where he plays the role of villain, is credible. They were known in comedy and adventure films but they have found a part to the extend of their talent.
Moreover, there is a good soundtrack which carries us through suffering and expectations of the King against his disability. Although communication with people was taking a very large extend, while Hitler's vehement speeches were becoming popular, it was difficult to lead a country when you couldn't chain words. In his speeches, we can feel his trouble and his pain in his long silences but he was not ridiculous.
Besides the sets transcribed what was the atmosphere and the duo between the therapist and his patient is interessant.
In addition, the humor is present throughout the film. However on an other hand, humor, tomfoolery and everybody happy when he succeded his speech is paradoxical with the context when Hitler brandished the threat of the war in the world.

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-05-2011 21:55

Réponse: Review/The King's speech de dsmith, postée le 12-05-2011 à 12:32:52 (S | E)

I just watched the movie this week too!

I went to the cinema reluctantly. Indeed I knew the film had won some awards but the subject was not supposed to interest me (maybe better: didn't seem to be interesting to me? even if I am fond of historical films. But in fact, I enjoy (change to past tense) it.
Albert Frederick Arthur, as the second son of King George V, was not expected to inherit the throne and lived in the shadow of his elder brother, David who became King Edward VIII before adbicating (spelling) out of love of an American divorced twice (reverse the order of these words and put American after both of them), Wallis Simpson. Albert replaced him and was crowned King George VI of England. But he suffered from a speech impediment since he was young. We can see in this film his rage to escape of (we escape from something) it. Since he delivered his first speech during the Imperial exhibition, he was ashamed and tried to find a solution to stop stammering, he was so desperate that he inserted marbles in his mouth.. but no result. As he said, he was the nation's voice that's why he was lost. Nevertheless, he met Logue, a sort of speech therapist with unconventional, unorthodox and controversial methods. He helped the King who could (wrong word) deliver a radio-address that galvanized his peoples to unite in battle against Nazi Germany led by Hitler.
First, I enjoy (past tense) the fact it is a true story, then the cast is good : the leading role played by C. Firth is affected (I don't understand), I knew him in Love Actually, her discrete woman (what do you mean??) Elizabeth played by H. Bonham Carter (already seen in Harry Potter and the deathly hallows) and the supporting role played by G. Rush, that I knew (saw) in Pirates of the Caribbean the Curse of the Black Pearl and soon in the last (recently?) : On stranger tides where he plays the role of villain, is credible. They were known in comedy and adventure films but they have found a part to the extend of their (not sure I understand this extend their talent??) talent.
Moreover, there is a good soundtrack which carries us through suffering and expectations of the King against his disability. Although communication with people was taking a very large extend (I don't understand), while Hitler's vehement speeches were becoming popular, it was difficult to lead a country when you couldn't chain words together. In his speeches, we can feel his trouble and his pain in his long silences but he was not ridiculous.
Besides the sets transcribed what was the atmosphere (put "was" after atmosphere) and the duo (I don't understand this word here) between the therapist and his patient is interessant.
In addition, the (remove this) humor is present throughout the film. However on an other hand, humor, tomfoolery (I don't understand this word: maybe use "laughing", "joking") and everybody was happy when he succeded at giving his speech is paradoxical with the context when Hitler brandished the threat of the (remove) war in the world.

Very good review! Well done.


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