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Happiness/rigorous education

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Happiness/rigorous education
Message de kathleen55 posté le 24-05-2011 à 17:55:39 (S | E | F)

Pourriez-vous me dire si j'ai fait des erreurs s'il vous plaît?
Merci beaucoup pour vos réponses.

How to be happy when your parents decide what is good for you? Why are some parents determinated to impose a rigorous education on their children?

Most of the time, parents care about their children's future, they want those succeed in life in order that they can have a good standard of living and not live in need.Some parents even if their children don't choose a job where they earn a lot of money, let them do what they really want to do because they above all care about their children's happiness. Actually they prefer see them blooming and happy even if they have a little money than rich but unhappy. On the contrary, other parents bring up their children firmly and don't let them choose the job they want for they think money is the most important thing in life.
As I see it, I understand that some parents pay attention to a rigorous education and social success because they just want those don't lack of nothing in life. Yet, I think they shouldn't do that at the detriment of their children's happiness. Indeed, to my mind hapiness doesn't mean necessarely having a good paying job beacuse it's something you cannot buy with money. For example, somebody who has had a strict education based on social success and who became prosperous can be unhappy in life because he didn't do what he wants of his life while somebody else who could do the job he wanted will be pleased.
I'd like to conclude by saying that if all parents would care more about their children's happiness and not only the social success, there would be less depressed youth in this world.

Modifié par lucile83 le 24-05-2011 18:03

Réponse: Happiness/rigorous education de notrepere, postée le 25-05-2011 à 04:40:19 (S | E)
Hello! Très bon travail.

How to be happy when your parents decide what is good for you? Why are some parents determinated to impose a rigorous education on their children?

Most of the time, parents care about their children's futures[point] They want those (2) succeed (3) in life in order that they can (4) have a good standard of living and not live in need. Some parents, even if their children don't choose a job where they earn a lot of money, let them do what they really want to do because they, above all, care about their children's happiness. Actually they prefer to see them blooming and happy even if they have (a) little money rather than rich but unhappy. On the contrary, other parents bring up their children firmly and don't let them choose the job they want for because they think money is the most important thing in life.
As I see it, I understand that some parents pay attention to a rigorous education and social success because they just want those (2) don't lack of nothing in life [mal dit]. Yet, I think they shouldn't do that at the detriment of their children's happiness. Indeed, to my mind happiness doesn't mean necessarily having a good paying job because it's something you cannot buy with money. For example, somebody who has had a strict education based on social success and who became prosperous can be unhappy in life because he didn't do what he wanted with his life while somebody else who could do the job he wanted will be pleased.
I'd like to conclude by saying that if all parents would care more about their children's happiness and not only the social success, there would be less depressed youth in this world.

(2) Il faut un autre pronom: them
(3) En forme d'un infinitif avec "to"
(4) Pas la meilleure construction: in order for them to

Réponse: Happiness/rigorous education de kathleen55, postée le 25-05-2011 à 14:42:22 (S | E)
Thank you


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