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Compte rendu /stage BTS

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Compte rendu /stage BTS
Message de fredman posté le 25-05-2011 à 19:05:09 (S | E | F)

dans le cadre de l'épreuve anglais de BTS, je dois parler de mon stage. Pouvez-vous me dire ce que vous pensez de ceci, s'il vous plaît?

Good morning, I’m ... I'm currently doing a BTS (vocational training certificate). During my training (formation), I did a work placement of 14 weeks divided into 4 periods in Dxxx, which is situated in ... It’s a company which sells sportswear and equipment. I went in work in bus.

Working at Dxxx was a personal choice because I was looking for a company specializing in sports equipment. Therefore, I moved to different companies, then I had an interview with a manager of decathlon who accept me in the bicycle department.

40 peoples are employed in Dxxx. I had 2 tutors. My first tutor change department and went to the Nature department. My second tutor is responsible of the bicycle department. We were a team of 5. 2 of them worked to the repair workshop which repairs bikes and flocked sportswear. They were very friendly and helpful when I get issues. The atmosphere in the firm was good but cold in the reception. I feel at ease and confident because the others were very nice with me.
I worked indoors the company. My mission consisted to increase the turnover of the department and make it attractive by different actions like the organization of “la journée à vélo” and an event-day. Moreover, in my last period, I created and established rates for the Christmas season and finally, I developed and promoted insurance.
However, I have not been paid for all these actions and they offered me nothing. The premises were very clean because there are charwomen. I worked from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday or Saturday. I had 2 breaks, one to lunch and another in the afternoon. There was a room where we can lunch and go when we were in break. We can find a microwave, a refrigerator and also a TV. When I worked, I had to wear a waistcoat like all the employees.

I used computer a lot to create documents such as flyers for my missions or to contact by mail others employees from others decathlon in France. I had no difficulties because I worked that in school so I have been prepared well.

I found this experience useful because I applied the things I had learned in the classroom in a real-world setting. It helped me to define my personal and professional project.
In addition, I learned several useful skills during my work experience, I feel now more at ease to speak with people. I wish I could have seen other parts of the company
In the end, it was a valuable experience because I gained professional work experience in my particular career field. What I appreciated most was the atmosphere of trust/confidence and respect between the management and the employees. I would recommend working at Dxxx to anyone interested in selling sports clothes and equipment.
Modifié par bridg le 25-05-2011 19:23
+ retrait du nom de l'entreprise

Modifié par lucile83 le 25-05-2011 20:54

Réponse: Compte rendu /stage BTS de fredman, postée le 28-05-2011 à 20:34:07 (S | E)
Bonjour, dans le cadre de mon BTS, je dois faire un compte rendu de mon stage. Pouvez-vous m'aider à corriger mon texte car je ne suis pas sûr de certains éléments :

Good morning, I’m ... and I'm currently doing a BTS (vocational training certificate) Technico-commercial. During my training (formation), I did a work placement of 14 weeks divided into 4 periods in ..., which is situated in .... It’s a company which sells sportswear and equipment. I went in work in bus.

Working at ... was a personal choice because I was looking for a company specializing in sports equipment. Therefore, I moved to different companies, then I had an interview with a manager of ... who accept me in the bicycle department.

Pouvez-vous déjà m'aider pour cette partie et me dire ce qui ne va pas?

Modifié par lucile83 le 29-05-2011 08:55

Réponse: Compte rendu /stage BTS de dsmith, postée le 29-05-2011 à 04:41:35 (S | E)

Here are some corrections.

Good morning, I’m ... I'm currently doing a BTS (vocational training certificate). During my training (formation) (this is not necessary), I did a work placement of 14 weeks divided into 4 periods in Dxxx, which is situated in ... It’s a company which sells sportswear and equipment. I went to work by bus.

Working at Dxxx was a personal choice because I was looking for a company specializing in sports equipment. Therefore, I moved to different companies, then I had an interview with a manager of Dxxx who accept (need the past tense) me in the bicycle department.

40 (write Forty when it is at the beginning of a sentence) peoples (never add an s to this word) are employed at Dxxx. I had 2 tutors. My first tutor change (past tense) department and went to the Nature department. My second tutor is responsible for the bicycle department. We were a team of 5. 2 of them worked in the repair workshop which repairs bikes and flocked (I don't understand) sportswear. They were very friendly and helpful when I had issues. The atmosphere in the firm was good but cold in the reception. I feel (change to past tense) at ease and confident because the others were very nice with me.
I worked indoors (inside??) the company. My mission consisted of increasing the turnover of the department inventory and make it attractive by different actions like the organization of “la journée à vélo” (the bike day) and an event-day. Moreover, in my last period, I created and established rates (prices?) for the Christmas season and finally, I developed and promoted insurance (warranties??).
However, I have not been paid for all these actions and they offered me nothing. The premises were very clean because there are charwomen (I don't understand). I worked from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday and some Saturdays. I had 2 breaks, one for lunch and another in the afternoon. There was a room where we can eat lunch and go when we were on break. We can use a microwave, a refrigerator and also a TV. When I worked, I had to wear a waistcoat like all the employees.

I used a computer a lot to create documents such as flyers for my missions (assignments) or to contact by mail others (no s) employees from others (no s) Dxxxs in France. I had no difficulties because I worked with a computer in school so I have been prepared well.

I found this experience useful because I applied the things I had learned in the classroom in a real-world setting. It helped me to define my personal and professional project.
In addition, I learned several useful skills during my work experience, I feel now more at ease to speak with people. I wish I could have seen other parts of the company
In the end, it was a valuable experience because I gained professional work experience in my particular career field. What I appreciated most was the atmosphere of trust/confidence and respect between the management and the employees. I would recommend working at Dxxx to anyone interested in selling athletic clothing and equipment.

Very Good!

Prepositions are difficult - not many rules - you just need to memorize which one to use.


Réponse: Compte rendu /stage BTS de fredman, postée le 29-05-2011 à 12:04:18 (S | E)

Merci beaucoup pour ta réponse.

Par "flocked", je voulais dire "floqué" des vêtements, mais je ne sais pas le mot exact en anglais.
Et, en classe, je croyais avoir entendu que l'on pouvait dire "indoors" pour travailler à l'intérieur de l'entreprise, donc "inside" correspondrait plus?
J'ai mis "promoted insurance" car j'ai eu comme mission la promotion d'une assurance cycle, donc je dois dire "insurance"?
Pour "charwomen", c'est bien femmes de ménage?

Modifié par lucile83 le 29-05-2011 12:31


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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