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Présentation orale/correction

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Présentation orale/correction
Message de amende83 posté le 26-05-2011 à 20:15:24 (S | E | F)

voilà dans 2 jours je dois faire une présentation à l'oral de moi même. J'ai préparé mon écrit, en espérant que quelqu'un voudra bien me corriger s'il vous plaît.
Merci pour votre aide.

Morning ! My name is Amende83 and my last name is ***. I was born in marseille in South East of French by the sea near Italie. I'm sixteen years old. My birthday is on twenty-first on february nineteen ninty five.I've got moroccan origins. I've got one sister, her name is Titi, she has got ten years old. My mother is a cooker and my father work in a laboratory. I haven't got a pet and I wouldn't. I prefer listen pop music than hard rock. I enjoy practice sport with my friend. My favorite sport is Basketball although I play it for four years. I used to play it four times a week. I love to travel, I already visit Spain, Morocco, Italy and this summer i'm going to Amsterdam. For this winter I would like to go to Irland ! But I never visit Paris !Later I will want to leave France and never stop traveling However my little sister I like eating vegetables! I have to clean my room everyday but I must not go to supermarket with my mother nevertheless sometimes I go with her. I agree with my aunt when she said should enjoy life! I don't know what i'd like to do later and we don't mind ! Now I'll tell you a short story ....

Modifié par lucile83 le 26-05-2011 20:59

Réponse: Présentation orale/correction de silky, postée le 26-05-2011 à 21:45:44 (S | E)

Some of your mistakes are now in red. Could you present a better version and then I or someone else will go on helping you! Good luck...
My name is Amende83 and my last name is ***. I was born in marseille in THE South East of French by the sea near Italie. I'm sixteen years old. My birthday is on THE twenty-first on february nineteen ninEty- five.I've got moroccan origins. I've got one sister, her name is Titi, she has got ten years old. My mother is a cooker and my father workS in a laboratory. I haven't got a pet and I wouldn't (finish your sentence). I prefer listen ( +a preposition is missing)pop music than (same preposition) hard rock. I enjoy practice (wrong form) sport with my friend. My favorite sport is basketball although I play it for four years (what tense should you use with FOR?). I used to (WRONG/try to find the difference between "used to" "be used to") play it four times a week. I love to travel, I already visit (the tense is wrong) Spain, Morocco, Italy and this summer I'm going to Amsterdam. For this winter I would like to go to IrEland ! But I never visit (wrong tense) Paris !Later I will want to leave France and never stop traveling However (= cependant)(Try and find the English for "contrairement à") my little sister I like eating vegetables! I have to clean my room everyday but I must not (= interdiction; ici c'est une absence d'obligation) go to THE supermarket with my mother. Nevertheless sometimes (voir place de l'adverbe de fréquence) I go with her. I agree with my aunt when she said (temps?)(il manque un sujet) should enjoy life! I don't know what I'd like to do later and we OU I don't mind ! Now I'll tell you a short story ....

Modifié par lucile83 le 26-05-2011 21:52


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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