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Besoin d'une correction de texte
Message de phinimi posté le 28-06-2011 à 17:26:24

Je dois rendre ce travail d'ici 2 jours.
Pouvez-voius me dire si mes phrases sont correctes?

My tasks:
• Meeting with the managers to obtain the precise missions of the post
• Sourcing
• Preselection of candidacy
• Telephone interview
• Job interview
• Management of the answers
• Administrative management of the employee

Some of the things I have learned for my future career:
• The organization and the rigor in the work
• The versatility in the management of the tasks
• The recruitment in general
• The open-mindedness

The most difficult/challenging part of my assignment (concrete example):

The most difficult part of my assignment is the fact of finding the person who corresponds perfectly to the post. Indeed, being in a big group as L’Oréal, we have many candidacies. There is a big work of sorting of CV and of selection because we can’t meet ten persons for every post.

The most challenging part of my assignment is when we announce to the person selected that it was held for the post. That gets a reel pleasure to see the enjoyment of this person even though on the other hand it is necessary to announce it to the persons who were not held.

What will be/has been/was the outcome of my assignment?

My work doesn’t stop that in the recruitment, indeed I have to take care with livening up the category of the trainees and the apprentices.
My project of which I am most proud is the creation of a breakfast between trainees and apprentices every month. During this breakfast there is a speaker who comes to presenter us his post detail as well as its missions.
This monthly meeting allows to know all the jobs by our factory but also it allows an interaction between the various persons.

If I could improve something regarding my job, my tasks or the environment I work in, it would be the following:

If I could improve something, it would be the software of recruitment. Indeed, I find that the software is not intuitive. Furthermore, its interface is not warm. When we work daily above, we wait for a certain ergonomics of the software, what is not the case with the software PC.

Merci d'avance pour vos réponses !

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-06-2011 19:21
Votre texte provient de toute évidence d'un traducteur en ligne, ce que nous ne corrigeons pas.
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Merci de nous proposer un travail personnel qui sera alors sans doute vérifié.
Best wishes.

Réponse: Besoin d'une correction de texte de gerondif, postée le 28-06-2011 à 17:50:27
comme vos phrases de départ en français étaient claires et simples, il n'y a pas trop d'erreurs de traducteur à part une ou deux comme celles-ci:
we announce to the person selected that it was held for the post. une personne n'est pas un objet et le "il" a été retenu pour le poste ne se traduit pas par it. to hold ne pas va non plus pour "retenir la candidature".

une autre: quand nous travaillons "dessus" tous les jours : When we work daily above.above s'utilise dans des phrases comme: the sun is above our heads.
"nous nous attendons à " n'est pas "we wait for".

votre that ne correspond pas au "que" de "mon travail ne se limita pas qu'au recrutement".

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