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Correction/Christmas shopping

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Correction/Christmas shopping
Message de gadocartoon posté le 30-08-2011 à 20:41:56 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,

je me suis beaucoup entraîné sur le site et j'aimerais savoir sur quoi je dois vraiment me concentrer pour progresser. J'aimerais vraiment progresser et surtout faire des phrases correctes, donc toutes les critiques sont les bienvenues.
Merci à tous pour la lecture.
Bonne soirée,

Dear Chris,

I have just doing my Christmas shopping and I’m really tired. I usually like doing it when I have the time but it wasn’t the case. However, I took the express checkout at the supermarket but the queue is sometime worse. For my part, I prefer doing it at the supermarket rather than at the grocer because there are a large range of products and the prices are competitive. Moreover, there is a car park and I can serve myself alone. But supermarket has some disadvantages too. For example, I buy many things that I don’t need. I wonder if it wasn’t better if I doing it by internet or by catalog. I plan to do the experiment. Maybe it will be a save time.

And what about you ? ...

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-08-2011 20:55titre

Réponse: Correction/Christmas shopping de notrepere, postée le 30-08-2011 à 23:37:17 (S | E)
Hello again

I have just [verbe manquant] doing my Christmas shopping and I’m really tired. I usually like doing it when I have the time but that wasn’t the case. However, I took the express checkout at the supermarket but the queue is sometime worse. (1) For my part, I prefer doing it at the supermarket rather than at the grocer because there are (2) a large range of products and the prices are competitive. Moreover, there is a car park and I can serve myself alone (3). But the supermarket has some disadvantages too. For example, I buy many things that I don’t need. I wonder if it wasn’t [temps] better if I doing [temps] it by internet or by catalog. I plan to do an experiment. Maybe it will be a save time (4).

took = au passé
is = au présent

I took the express checkout but the queue was worse (than the regular queue?) Que voulez-vous dire? Although I took the express checkout, the wait was ten times worse.

(2) accorde = range

(3) tournure de phrase

(4) On dirait: will be a time-saver OU will save time

Réponse: Correction/Christmas shopping de angel7, postée le 31-08-2011 à 03:13:27 (S | E)


sans revenir sur ce qui a été dit, je pense que pour le verbe manquant, la forme correcte c'est:

I have just done my christmas shopping

Réponse: Correction/Christmas shopping de brettdallen, postée le 31-08-2011 à 03:16:43 (S | E)
Voilà, c'est ça. Vous pouviez choisir "finished", également. Pensez à la majuscule pour Christmas.

Réponse: Correction/Christmas shopping de notrepere, postée le 31-08-2011 à 04:08:11 (S | E)

On peut dire également "I have just been doing my Christmas shopping and I'm really tired".

Réponse: Correction/Christmas shopping de gadocartoon, postée le 31-08-2011 à 12:10:04 (S | E)
Merci pour vos réponses, ça m'aide beaucoup et je vois plus précisément où sont mes lacunes.


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