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Correction/ a student

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/ a student
Message de abracadabra posté le 11-09-2011 à 16:10:05 (S | E | F)
Hello everybody,

could you correct my mistakes, please?

Here you can find some tips to revise.
Firstly, you ought to plan your work and to stick to your plan. It's better to memorise a few things every day than to bury yourself in your books the night before the exam. Force yourself to settle down to work quickly but have a break after one or two hours, you will be more concentrated after that.
Secondly, should you sit towards the front of the classroom and participate in class discussions, your teacher will correct your mistakes and talk over any matter with you.
Another point is that you have to find your work interesting to know the subject inside out. Therefore, I advise you to use mnemonics and past papers instead of studying everything by rote-learning which is not sufficient for most subjects.
Should you write an essay or a dissertation, carry out some researchs to find articles or papers about the subject you are dealing with. Be careful that you have to write an original work and that plagiarism is punished by the law. Then, make a mind map and a first draft before you write up your work. In addition, pay attention to the deadline : If your essay is not submitted on time it won't be assessed and you won't get feedback. That's an other reason why planning your work is important.

Thanks for your help !!!
Have a nice week !

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-09-2011 20:03

Réponse: Correction/ a student de gerondif, postée le 11-09-2011 à 18:32:11 (S | E)

peu d'erreurs en fait:

Here you can find some tips to revise.
Firstly, you ought to plan your work and to stick to your plan. It's better to memorise a few things every day than to bury yourself in your books the night before the exam. Force yourself to (settle down to) work quickly but have a break after one or two hours, you will be more concentrated after that.
Secondly, should you (dans l'autre sens)sit towards the front of the classroom and participate in class discussions, your teacher will correct your mistakes and talk over any matter with you.
Another point is that you have to find your work interesting to know the subject inside out. Therefore, I advise you to use mnemonics and past papers instead of studying everything by rote-learning which is not sufficient for most subjects.
Should you write an essay or a dissertation, carry out some researchs(le mot reste singulier) to find articles or papers about the subject you are dealing with. Be careful that you have to write an original work and that plagiarism is punished by (the) law. Then, make a mind map and a first draft before you write up your work (before + ing existe aussi). In addition, pay attention to the deadline : If your essay is not submitted on time it won't be assessed and you won't get feedback. That's an other (another) reason why planning your work is important.

Réponse: Correction/ a student de sherry48, postée le 11-09-2011 à 22:20:56 (S | E)
Hello abracadabra.
Here are some suggestions.
First(ly), you ought to plan your work and to stick to your plan. Force yourself to settle down to work quickly but have a break after one or two hours, you will be more concentrated 1 after that.
Should 2 you write an essay or a dissertation, carry out some researchs to find articles or papers about the subject you are dealing with. Be careful that you have to write an original work and that 3 plagiarism is punished by the law. . .

1. the phrase is usually 'be able to concentrate'
2. it would sound better to write 'when'
3. 'since' would be better


Réponse: Correction/ a student de abracadabra, postée le 12-09-2011 à 20:02:21 (S | E)
Is "researches" better ?
Why "should you sit ..., you teacher will correct " and "should you writ ..., carry out" aren't correct, can you explain ?
Thanks for your help !

Réponse: Correction/ a student de abracadabra, postée le 12-09-2011 à 20:07:36 (S | E)
Sorry I meant "research" is better, no ?
Thanks for your help !

Réponse: Correction/ a student de gerondif, postée le 12-09-2011 à 20:08:29 (S | E)
que vouliez-vous dire?
si tu t'assieds: if you sit.....
Si tu écris... if you write...

Should you write.... au sens conditionnel de: "si un jour tu devais écrire"... est très littéraire.
If sera plus courant.

Si vous désiriez donner des conseils, alors:
You should sit..... vous devriez vous asseoir......


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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