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My busiest day

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My busiest day
Message de germ75 posté le 21-09-2011 à 19:31:31 (S | E | F)

J'aurais besoin de votre aide s'il vous plaît.
Voyez-vous des fautes dans ce texte anglais ?
Merci pour vos réponses !

Bad grammar ?
Wednesday is the busiest day for me. On that day, I usually wake up at 8.00 am and go to take a shower. As soon as I am ready, I spread some butter and jam on a couple of biscuits. Then, I walk to the Engineering Building to attend my weekly lesson of Finite Elements which starts at 9.30 am and finishes at 12.30 pm. My friend Paul does not take lessons in the morning. Thus, when I am at school, he is working on the homework he has to do.

At lunch, I meet Paul at the cafeteria where we often eat meat and pasta. Unfortunately, one hour later, Paul has not got free time in the afternoon so he comes straight to the school after eating. As far as I am concerned, I move to the weights room where I am attending a program to develop my muscles.

Between 4.00 pm and 7.00 pm, I like to do diversified activities. For example, I am used to watch TV, to read a book, to take photos of the campus, to spend my time on my computer touching up photos, visiting websites, listening to music, to work on a project. Currently, I am working on a finite elements project. The project consists in imitating a steel structure on a computer to know the maximal intensity of forces the structure has to resist to.

At 7.00 pm, I meet Paul again in my English class to follow a three-hour lesson. Attending a lesson at this moment is a little bit tough. So when the English teacher stops the class, I get my place of residence to have a snack and go to sleep. On the contrary, Paul prefers to eat before the English class.

And each Wednesday, the same routine takes place!

Modifié par lucile83 le 21-09-2011 20:01

Réponse: My busiest day de stammer, postée le 21-09-2011 à 20:02:20 (S | E)

J'ai mis en rouge les phrases que vous devriez supprimer et la raison/correction entre parenthèses.

Wednesday is the busiest day for me. On that day, (superflu)I usually wake up at 8.00 am and go to take a shower. As soon as I am ready, I spread some butter and jam on a couple of biscuits (vous voulez dire "pieces of toast"?). Then, I walk to the Engineering Building to attend my weekly lesson of Finite Elements(,) which starts at 9.30 am and finishes at 12.30 pm. My friend Paul does not take (have any) lessons in the morning. Thus, when I am at school, he is working on the homework he has to do.

At lunch, I meet Paul at the cafeteria where we often eat meat and pasta. Unfortunately, one hour later (superflu), Paul has not got free time in the afternoon so he comes (goes) straight to the school after eating. As far as I am concerned, I move to the weights room (gym) where I am attending (undertaking) a program to develop my muscles.

Between 4.00 pm and 7.00 pm, I like to do diversified (different types of) activities. For example, I am used to watch TV, to read a book, to take photos of the campus, to spend my time on my computer touching up photos, visiting websites, listening to music, to work on a project. Currently, I am working on a finite elements project. The project consists in (of) imitating a steel structure on a computer to know the maximal intensity of forces (il vaut mieux dire " maximum level of stress") (that) the structure has to (can) resist to.

At 7.00 pm, I meet Paul again in my English class to follow (do) a three-hour lesson. Attending a lesson at this moment (time) is a little bit tough. So when the English teacher stops the class (is over), I get (go to) my place (halls) of residence to have a snack and go to sleep. On the contrary (other hand), Paul prefers to eat before the English class.

And each Wednesday, the (this) same routine takes place!

Si vous avez des questions n'hésitez pas à les poser.

Modifié par stammer le 21-09-2011 20:03


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