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Aide/a year in Mexico

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Aide/a year in Mexico
Message de pablo-xd posté le 27-10-2011 à 19:58:00 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous

J'aimerais que vous lisiez cette rédaction et que vous me fassiez part de mes éventuelles erreurs s'il vous plaît.
Merci beaucoup d'avance !

I’m going to introduce my year spent in Mexico. There, I could discover a touristic country in spite of some drawbacks which have been occurred. First of all, I was at the university to continue my master of journalism I started in France but one of the reasons why I was there, it's to get out of the routine, to experiment a new culture and to make sightseeing. I was accommodated by a very hospitable family in Monterrey near Mexico, the capital. They were very concerned about me and we had a good relationship. The biggest difference is that there are many insects and humidity. With regard to friends, I had many, many more than in France, Mexico is a very warm and friendly country, the little French was very popular! In college it was very difficult at the beginning except for integration which has been done alone. Lessons were very difficult to follow because of the language barrier although Spanish is quite simple to understand. Let's not forget that I’m now back entirely bilingual even if my level was already quite high when I arrived. Moreover the food was very delicious, very stodgy; however the hardest thing was to get used with spices present in all the meals. The lunches were too late, at about 15pm for midday. Last but not least I have traveled in the country despite the fact that neighborhoods which feared, where there are acts of violence, many dealers, it’s very dangerous and you mustn't walk alone during the night... Every weekend my family had showed me every part of their beautiful country. Finally, I can tell you it's a great experience that made me learn many things about myself, and I recommend you to have the same kind of experience that you will probably never do again another time of your life.

Modifié par lucile83 le 27-10-2011 20:48


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