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Correction/lettre motivation

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/lettre motivation
Message de noeru posté le 31-10-2011 à 13:03:42 (S | E | F)

J'ai un travail important à réaliser pour l'école et je me suis dit que, peut-être, certains d'entre vous pourraient m'aider : il s'agit de préparer un dossier dans lequel nous racontons en détail notre vie dans une ville anglophone pendant une année.
Dans ce dossier se trouvent un CV, une lettre de motivation, des informations sur la ville anglophone, etc.
Etant donné que j'ai de la peine en anglais, j'ai peur que la rédaction de ma lettre de motivation contienne trop de fautes. Pouvez -ous me corriger si vous en voyez ?
Merci d'avance !

Dear Madam V...,

I am writting to apply for the post of legal secretary issue in your website of 8 september 2013. I enclose my curriculum vitae for your consideration.

As you can see from my CV, I have just finished my apprenticeship for ECES where I have been working for 3 years. My duties included principally correspondence and administrative work. I am very organisational and I have excellent communication skills. My mother tongue is French, but I know to speak English and German . In addition I have excellent computer skills, especially with Word, Exel and Powerpoint. I control Publisher too. If your compagny seach a person who likes challenges, I’m the right person for you.

I am very interested in working in a law firm and I would like contribute to your compagny by bringing my interest for you. Further, I hope enhance my skills for this job.

If you have any questions or would like to schedule an interview, please contact me by phone or by email.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully.

Modifié par lucile83 le 31-10-2011 13:07

Réponse: Correction/lettre motivation de kolimang, postée le 01-11-2011 à 00:01:18 (S | E)
Bonjour noeru,

Cela me semble vraiment bien. Voici quelques petites corrections ou indications pour t'aider à corriger.

Dear Madam V...,

I am writting[m] to apply for the post of legal secretary issue(I'd say a post is advertised on a webiste rather than issued) in your website ** of 8 september[m] 2013. I enclose my curriculum vitae for your consideration.

As you can see from my CV, I have just finished my apprenticeship for(I would use at) ECES where I have been working for 3 years. My duties included principally (I've always trouble with the correct placement of adverbs but I think it would be better at the end of the sentence in this case) correspondence and administrative work. I am very organisational and I have excellent communication skills. My mother tongue is French, but I know to speak English and German too. In addition I have excellent computer skills, especially with Word, Excel and Powerpoint. I control(I would write master or use instead) Publisher too. If your compagny[m] seach[m] ** a person who likes challenges, I’m the right person for you.

I am very interested in working in a law firm and I would like ** contribute to your compagny[m] by bringing my interest for you (to it?). Further, I hope I will enhance my skills (for) (with?) this job.

If you have any questions or would like to schedule an interview, please contact me by phone or by email.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully.

[m] = misspelling (don't forget to use a capital letter with the names of days/months)
** = missing word (look up the phrase "en date du" in a dictionary)


Réponse: Correction/lettre motivation de noeru, postée le 01-11-2011 à 12:30:29 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour ces corrections !


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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