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Correction/exercice FCE

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/exercice FCE
Message de betit posté le 07-11-2011 à 11:57:32 (S | E | F)

Pouvez-vous m'aider s'il vous plaît car je voudrais passer le First Certificate in English dans un an et demi. Une des épreuves est la suivante:
écrire une lettre en réponse à mon amie anglaise de 120 à 180 mots. Elle a un projet appelé: "staying fit and healthy". Je dois lui dire ce que je fais et ce que je mange pour ça.
Voici ma réponse:

Dear Annie,
I know what I should do to stay fit and healthy but I admit I'm lazy. For example, I should do some exercise. But I hate sport ! Swimming is very good for the whole body but I can't. I tried the yoga but I think it's boring. Last week I decided to walk at least thirty minutes a day. But when it's raining, I stay at home. I know also that sleeping is very good to fight the stress. So I try to sleep eight hours a night. And I often have a lie in ! About food, it's very important to eat vegetables and fruits. I try to buy it the most possible but it's often expensive.I never drink alcohol, just water. At least one litre a day. I don't eat too much meat. I think fish is better. I try to avoid junk food but when you work it's difficult to cook balanced diet. Good luck for your project ! Morgane.

Merci pour vos réponses.

Modifié par lucile83 le 07-11-2011 12:00

Réponse: Correction/exercice FCE de gerondif, postée le 07-11-2011 à 14:04:08 (S | E)
peu d'erreurs, surtout une en fait: retenez qu'on ne met pas "the" quand on parle de quelque chose en général : I like tea, I tried yoga, I play football, .....

Dear Annie,
I know what I should do to stay fit and healthy but I admit I'm lazy. For example, I should do some exercise. But I hate sport(s) ! Swimming is very good for the whole body but I can't. I tried the yoga but I think it's boring. Last week I decided to walk at least thirty minutes a day. But when it's raining, I stay at home. I know also that sleeping is very good to fight the stress. So I try to sleep eight hours a night. And I often have a lie in ! About food, it's very important to eat vegetables and fruits. I try to buy it the most possible (1) pas it mais them, vegetables est au pluriel 2) une structure plus courante: I try to eat as many vegetables as I can, I try to drink as much water as I can))but it's often expensive.I never drink alcohol, just water. At least one litre a day. I don't eat too much meat. I think fish is better. I try to avoid junk food but when you work it's difficult to cook a balanced diet. Good luck for your project ! Morgane.


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