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Infinitif /correction

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Infinitif /correction
Message de guitariste974 posté le 27-11-2011 à 10:18:20 (S | E | F)

est-ce quelqu'un pourrait vérifier s'il y a des erreurs s'il vous plaît?
Merci pour votre aide.

exercice: mettez les verbes entre parenthèses à l'une des trois formes suivantes: infinitif avec to , base verbal ou gérondif (v-ing)

1/"Every boy has his heroes and dreams of (be) just like them. For me it was cowboys. I loved (see) Paul Newman ans Robert Redford as cowboys, who wouldn't allow any woman (be) mistreated.My brother an I would spend hours (watch) television."

2/"Even now, it's still my dream (be) in a big cowboy film. I'd love (be) riding across the prairie on my horse.Part of the reason why I decided (become) an actor is because I still love (play) the parts of romantic heroes."

3/"In my last film, another life, I was asked (play) a bad boy.(Play that part made me (realise) that (be) a little wicked tends (make) you more interesting."

1/"Every boy has his heroes and dreams of to be just like them. For me it was cowboys. I loved seeing Paul Newman ans Robert Redford as cowboys, who wouldn't allow any woman to be mistreated.My brother an I would spend hours watching television."

2/"Even now, it's still my dream to be in a big cowboy film. I'd love being riding across the prairie on my horse.Part of the reason why I decided become an actor is because I still love playing the parts of romantic heroes."

3/"In my last film, another life, I was asked play a bad boy.Playing that part made me realise that be a little wicked tends made you more interesting."

Modifié par lucile83 le 27-11-2011 11:56

Réponse: Infinitif /correction de gerondif, postée le 27-11-2011 à 10:29:45 (S | E)
pour faire cet exercice sans le remplir à l'aveuglette en ayant une chance sur trois d'avoir juste, vous devez savoir les choses suivantes:
les verbes de sentiment sont suivis d'un gérondif quand on a déjà souvent fait l'action décrite:
I love swimming, I hate waiting.

On peut trouver l'infinitif complet si c'est un cas plus particulier, une idée, un concept: I love to teach in good conditions.

Mais si l'action n'a jamais été faite mais est un souhait, alors, mettre l'infinitif complet:
I would like to drive a Jaguar !

Les verbes d'ordre, de volonté, sont souvent suivi d'un infinitif complet:
I want to work, I decided to work, He ordered me to work.

3) Une préposition précède un nom: I am crazy about sports.
Donc, elle précédera un gérondif, un nom verbal: I am crazy about swimming.

1/"Every boy has his heroes and dreams of to be just like them. For me it was cowboys. I loved seeing Paul Newman ans Robert Redford as cowboys, who wouldn't allow any woman to be mistreated.My brother and I would spend hours watching television."

2/"Even now, it's still my dream to be in a big cowboy film. I'd love being riding across the prairie on my horse.Part of the reason why I decided become an actor is because I still love playing the parts of romantic heroes."

3/"In my last film, another life, I was asked play a bad boy.Playing that part made me realise that be a little wicked tends made you more interesting."


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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