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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de pitchounes posté le 03-01-2012 à 09:36:43 (S | E | F)

Pourriez-vous m'aider s'il vous plaît pour mon essai?
J'ai fait 300 mots .
Plan : introduction , développement ( 2 axes différents ) et conclusion .
Je pense qu'il y a des fautes qui m'échappent , je vous demande de bien vouloir me les faire parvenir indiquer s'il vous plaît.
Merci pour vos réponses.

(Intro )The TV is a media who is used by a lot of people .
The TV has a aim ! it is to communicate and spread several informations , some piece of news which are importants for people .
However , the TV permets also to entertain people but it is sometimes dangerous ...
So , TV is educational ?
In first time , we will show that the TV is a educational tool .
Then that she represents also a danger for some people .

The TV can be a educational tool , for example thanks an educative programmes like televison game show ( " question for a champion ") or historic reportage ("berlin wall") .
Moreover , for children there are some programmes which are very good fot them development .
Some programmes are very instructive for children . In fact , they learn to speak , to say news words , also the modern language like " english " for example "dora the explorer "
The TV can also give some informations about the various news of the daily life with the TV news which is diffused at least three time a day.

But the TV is also dangerous .
She can provokes shocs for underage or for old people. Even if there are smetimes a symbol for band the children who have less than 10,12,16 or 18 yeras old.
An other example : some programes television are mind - numbing for young people (" reality - TV")
The TV can be dangerous for the young as like videos games , TV can them some unhealthy ideas ( violence , drug , sucide ...)
TV is factor obesity : she can make easier the taken of weight .
To finish , a lot of time in front TV can stopped dialog with family.

To conclude , the TV is a great tool for society . She permets communication , development or still amusement .
But TV can be dangerous like a drug .
The secret is that it don't to abuse her . Tv should consumate with moderation .

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-01-2012 10:30
+ politesse

Traducteur en ligne?

Réponse: Télévision/éducation de pitchounes, postée le 03-01-2012 à 18:37:20 (S | E)
Comment ? Je n'ai pas compris ?

Réponse: Télévision/éducation de notrepere, postée le 03-01-2012 à 18:40:59 (S | E)

La télé, est-elle une femme dangereuse ? Avez-vous utilisé un traducteur en ligne ?

Then that she represents also a danger for some people .
She can provokes shocs for underage
TV is factor obesity : she can make easier the taken of weight . (En passant, cette phrase n'a pas de sens !)
She permets communication

If you knew how my day has started, you'd think this response even more ironic than it truly is.

Réponse: Télévision/éducation de pitchounes, postée le 04-01-2012 à 15:28:29 (S | E)
Salut , non je n'ai pas utilisée de traducteur.
J'avais oublier que l'on ne pouvait pas mettre " she " donc je suppose que c'est 'it' à la place ??


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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