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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de mael1908 posté le 18-01-2012 à 20:35:27 (S | E | F)

j'aimerais avoir une correction de mon devoir svp s'il vous plaît .
Merci de votre aide

Énoncé de l'exercice: Richard phones Smiths insurance and arranges a meeting with Ian Watson. (utilisez des formules de vocabulaire poli/soutenu)
(J'ai 7 formules pré-faites à utiliser : Good morning; i'd like to speak to(...) please; who's calling please?;hold on i'll try to put you through; this is (...) here; are you available later on today?; i'll look forward to seeing you today)

Richard is calling...
Kim (secretary): -Good morning, Smiths insurance, can I help you ?
Richard : - Yes, i would like to speak to Ian Watson please
-May i know who is calling please ?
- My name is Richard
-I'm Kim, the receptionnist. My apologize mr Watson didn't answer to the stranger on the telephone. But may i take a message ?
-So, is it possible to meet him ?
-Yes certainly. I'm going to take my notebook
I didn't find my notebook at the moment... it's annoying! Exeptionnally, you can speak to him on the telephone. Hold on please, i'll try to put you through.
-Ok thank you.
Ian :-Ian Watson here. How may i help you ?
R:- Good morning. This is Richard here. I have an emergency with my house, so i would like to take an appointement with you as soon as possible.
I:- I understand. WHen can you come to the agency ?
R:- Are you available later on today ?
I:- Yes, of course. Perhaps at 4 p.m., if you want.
R:- Yeah, it's okay for me.
I:- Well, thank you for ringing. I'll look forward to seeing you later.
R:- Thanks, see you later Mr Watson.

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-01-2012 20:59

Réponse: Dialogue/Insurance de delf2312, postée le 19-01-2012 à 16:49:42 (S | E)
-My apologize mr Watson didn't answer to the stranger on the telephone. Cette phrase est très bizarre: je vais te traduire ce que ça donnerait en français : 'Mon excuser M. Watson n'a pas répondu à l'étranger au téléphone'. Je ne pense pas que c'est ce que tu voulais dire. Apologize = verbe. Tu as bien besoin de l'auxiliaire DO pour faire ta négation, mais pourquoi le mettre au passé ?
Même chose pour 'I didn't find my notebook at the moment'
_prendre un rendez-vous: cherche dans le dictionnaire, 'prendre' ici ne se traduit pas par 'take'

A part ça, ça me semble pas mal !

Réponse: Dialogue/Insurance de stammer, postée le 20-01-2012 à 00:23:03 (S | E)
Here is a corrected version, if you need anything to be explained then I'd be happy to do so.
- 'je' is always 'I' and never 'i'.
- At the end of a sentence the convention in English is to not leave a space between punctuation and the last letter: "How are you?" and not "How are you ?"
- Does Richard have a surname? It seems odd for someone to say "My name is Richard" in this sort of situation.

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-01-2012 07:04
Désolée mais votre correction toute faite a été effacée car nous aidons la personne à se corriger, nous ne faisons pas le travail à sa place.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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