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Théme grammatical/help (1)

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Théme grammatical/help
Message de mickaelevr posté le 13-02-2012 à 21:28:22

j'aimerais savoir si je n'ai pas fait trop d’erreurs dans mon thème s'il vous plaît.
Merci d'avance

Depuis le matin, avec la peur au ventre, Tima le président de l'Assemblée l'attendait. L'arrivée de l'escorte présidentielle devant les grilles de la propriété le libéra. Tout s'était donc déroulé comme convenu et même beaucoup plus rapidement qu'espéré. Quoi ? Bravo ! C’est déjà fini, réglé, réussi, cria-t-il, libéré de sa frayeur. Il se leva, monta au premier étage, sortit du coffre sa déclaration, rapidement la parcourut. Elle était parfaite. Devant le miroir, avec une certaine fierté et une certaine sérénité retrouvée, il ajusta sa cravate, se coiffa de son chapeau melon, se parfuma, enfila ses gants. En descendant les escaliers, il se saisit de sa canne d'ivoire. Les motocyclistes en livrée encadraient la Mercedes 600 présidentielle devant le perron. On lui guida jusqu'à la grosse voiture noire et on lui ouvrit la porte; il s'enfonça dans le siège arrière gauche.

Since the morning, with fear in the belly, Tima the president of the Assembly awaited. The arrival of the presidential escort at the gates of the property released it. So all had proceeded as agreed as and even much more rapidly than expected. What? Bravo! It is already finished, adjusted, successful, exclaimed he, freed of her fright. . He rose and ascended to the first floor, he left his safe declaration quickly ran through her. She was perfect. Front of the mirror, with a certain pride and certain serenity found, he straightened his tie, put on his bowler hat, perfumed himself, put on his gloves. Down the stairs, he grabbed his ivory cane. Motorcycle riders in livery framed the presidential Mercedes 600 at the door. He guided them to the big black car and he opened the door, he plunged into the left rear seat.

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-02-2012 22:11
Modifié par lucile83 le 15-02-2012 06:22
Votre texte provient de toute évidence d'un traducteur en ligne, ce que nous ne corrigeons pas car votre travail n'a aucun sens.
Vous pouvez consulter un dictionnaire (pas un traducteur) en faisant un double clic sur un mot.
Merci de nous proposer un travail personnel qui sera alors sans doute vérifié.
Best wishes.

Réponse: Théme grammatical/help de mickaelevr, postée le 14-02-2012 à 19:54:11
Please ?

Réponse: Théme grammatical/help de gerondif, postée le 14-02-2012 à 22:54:18
devinez quoi? j'ai pris votre texte français, je l'ai passé sur google traduction and lo and behold!! Regardez ce que ça donne !

Since morning, with fear in the belly, Tima President of the Assembly awaited. The arrival of the presidential escort outside the gates of the property released. So everything had proceeded as agreed and even much faster than expected. What? Bravo! It's already over, settled, successful, cried he, freed from her fright. He rose and ascended to the first floor, his statement left the chest, quickly ran through her. She was perfect. **Front of the mirror, with some pride and some found serenity, he straightened his tie, put on his bowler hat, perfumed himself, put on his gloves. Down the stairs, he grabbed his ivory cane. Motorcycle riders in livery framed the presidential Mercedes 600 at the door. He guided them to the big black car and he opened the door, he plunged into the left rear seat.

Vous êtes donc aussi fort que Google Traduction dans votre traduction personnelle qui lui ressemble beaucoup.

Since the morning, with fear in the belly, Tima the president of the Assembly awaited. The arrival of the presidential escort at the gates of the property released it. So all had proceeded as agreed as and even much more rapidly than expected. What? Bravo! It is already finished, adjusted, successful, exclaimed he, freed of her fright. . He rose and ascended to the first floor, he left his safe declaration quickly ran through her. She was perfect. ** Front of the mirror, with a certain pride and certain serenity found, he straightened his tie, put on his bowler hat, perfumed himself, put on his gloves. Down the stairs, he grabbed his ivory cane. Motorcycle riders in livery framed the presidential Mercedes 600 at the door. He guided them to the big black car and he opened the door, he plunged into the left rear seat.

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