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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de sandria posté le 07-04-2012 à 01:12:57 (S | E | F)

Pouvez-vous m'aider et me dire si mes réponses sont bonnes s'il vous plait?
Merci pour vos réponses.

Poser des questions relatives aux mots en gras :

1. She’s been ill for a week.
2. We had to pay £ 100 for the repair.
3. I'm writing to my cousin.
4. He bought three records.
5. They play tennis twice a week.
6. Betty didn't go to school because she was ill.
7. I bought these binoculars to watch the birds.
8. It took us an hour to paint the garden gate.
9. They went to the theatre last night.
10. I'm very well, thank you.
11.This is John's bike.
12. I walked to the station.
13. The symphony lasts twenty-five minutes.
14. We would rather have the smaller of these two houses.
15. Kipling was born in Bombay.

Voici mes réponses :

1. How long has been she ill ?
2. How much had you pay for the repair ?
3. Who are you writing to ?
4. How many records did he buy ?
5. How often do they play tennis ?
6. Why didn't Betty go to the school ?
7. What did you buy for these binoculars ?
8. How long did it take us to paint the garden gate ?
9. Where did they go last night?
10. How are you ?
11. Whose bike is this ?
12. How did you go to the station ?
13. How long does the symphony last ?
14. Which of these two houses would rather we have ?
15. Where was Kipling born ?

Modifié par lucile83 le 07-04-2012 09:15

Réponse: Questions/correction de notrepere, postée le 07-04-2012 à 04:01:49 (S | E)

2. How much (aux. do au passé + sujet + verbe) pay for the repair ?
3. Who are you writing to ? OK, ou To whom are you writing?
6. Why didn't Betty go to the school ?
7. What did you buy for these binoculars ?
12. How did you go to the station ?
14. Which of these two houses would rather we (ordre des mots) have ?

Réponse: Questions/correction de lucile83, postée le 07-04-2012 à 09:28:01 (S | E)

1. How long has been she ill ?
2. How much had you pay for the repair ?
6. Why didn't Betty go to the school ?
7. What did you buy for these binoculars ?
14. Which of these two houses would rather we have ?
15. Where was Kipling born ?

Ces questions sont fausses.
Il est possible que d'autres le soient car on ne voit rien surligné dans votre demande, et les questions peuvent porter sur plusieurs mots.
Exemple la q12,
12. I walked to the station.
est-ce que ça porte sur 'walked' ou sur 'to the station'?
Je vous avais demandé de modifier votre demande mais apparemment vous ne lisez pas vos messages;tant pis.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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