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Correction/CHR company

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/CHR company
Message de hpv posté le 10-04-2012 à 21:47:30 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,

j'ai rédigé un texte en anglais et j'aurais voulu savoir si j'avais c'était juste.
Merci d'avance.

In 2000, I acquired wholesaler's company in drinks which supplies the circuit CHR: Coffee / Hotels / Restaurants on the region of Dijon and its surroundings. I raised the box of the bankruptcy by reorganizing the management style of the company and by finding new partners. My company operates well enough, and was paid off in 2009.

In 2008, I wanted to diversify in the field of the drink. I made a request with the company X to obtain the authorization to fill the bottles of 1L5 and the cans 33cl with the brand. It was granted to me having made several arrangements. Indeed, I acquired a premise of 4000 m ² which divides in two parts:
-the first part 1000 m ²: represent the laboratory in which 2 employees watch the filling of cans and bottles by machines completely mechanized.
-the second part 3000 m ²: constitute the premises in which the production is stocked.

Thanks to it, I can deliver the Mass-market retailing on the sector Y in products X. Everybody finds his account there. The managers of stores can place order in the morning and to be delivered in the afternoon. These investments were paid off in 4 years. Thanks to this activity, I manage to compose recently a capital for the other projects.
Today I would like to diversify my activity by launching on the market Dijonnais of the coffee, tea and chocolate contained in a heating can. These products will be only marketed in vending machines. These will be implanted in strategic places of the city.
After several studies, I observed that this double concept that is "the automatic dispensing of the heating cans" is non-existent in Dijon. Nevertheless we can find this product only in Mass-market retailing in the other regions of France.
On the other hand the shape of automatic dispensing of these cans does not exist in France. My employees have all the necessary skills to fill cans. They did a very detailed training course within the premises of Coca-Cola. Every 2 years, they return to make a delivery for level.
To realize my project, I look for investors to develop a new laboratory to fill the auto-heating cans and the distribution network to sell them. I miss capital, but the passion move to launch from now on!

Thanks to all =)

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-04-2012 22:33


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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